Unreal Engine Crashes

When I try to launch Unreal Engine 4.13.1, it crashes. I get the following error log:


FGenericPlatformMisc::RaiseException(unsigned int) Address = 0x10d1099fb (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-Core.dylib]
FOutputDeviceMacError::Serialize(wchar_t const*, ELogVerbosity::Type, FName const&) Address = 0x10d2c67c2 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-Core.dylib]
FOutputDevice::Logf(wchar_t const*, …) Address = 0x10d342207 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-Core.dylib]
FDebug::AssertFailed(char const*, char const*, int, wchar_t const*, …) Address = 0x10d33d95b (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-Core.dylib]
operator<<(FArchive&, TArray&) Address = 0x122841073 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-DerivedDataCache.dylib]
FMemoryDerivedDataBackend::LoadCache(wchar_t const*) Address = 0x12283dcfc (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-DerivedDataCache.dylib]
FDerivedDataBackendGraph::ParseBootCache(wchar_t const*, wchar_t const*, FString&) Address = 0x1228383d6 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-DerivedDataCache.dylib]
FDerivedDataBackendGraph::ParseNode(wchar_t const*, FString const&, wchar_t const*, TMap >&) Address = 0x12283469d (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-DerivedDataCache.dylib]
FDerivedDataBackendGraph::ParseHierarchicalCache(wchar_t const*, wchar_t const*, FString const&, wchar_t const*, TMap >&) Address = 0x122838824 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-DerivedDataCache.dylib]
FDerivedDataBackendGraph::ParseNode(wchar_t const*, FString const&, wchar_t const*, TMap >&) Address = 0x122834765 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-DerivedDataCache.dylib]
FDerivedDataBackendGraph::ParseAsyncPut(wchar_t const*, wchar_t const*, FString const&, wchar_t const*, TMap >&) Address = 0x122838f13 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-DerivedDataCache.dylib]
FDerivedDataBackendGraph::ParseNode(wchar_t const*, FString const&, wchar_t const*, TMap >&) Address = 0x1228349e6 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-DerivedDataCache.dylib]
FDerivedDataBackendGraph::ParseKeyLength(wchar_t const*, wchar_t const*, FString const&, wchar_t const*, TMap >&) Address = 0x122838ce4 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-DerivedDataCache.dylib]
FDerivedDataBackendGraph::ParseNode(wchar_t const*, FString const&, wchar_t const*, TMap >&) Address = 0x122834944 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-DerivedDataCache.dylib]
FDerivedDataBackendGraph::FDerivedDataBackendGraph() Address = 0x1228334a2 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-DerivedDataCache.dylib]
FDerivedDataCache::FDerivedDataCache() Address = 0x12285ac7b (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-DerivedDataCache.dylib]
InternalSingleton() Address = 0x122831c9c (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-DerivedDataCache.dylib]
FDerivedDataCacheModule::GetDDC() Address = 0x122870679 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-DerivedDataCache.dylib]
FDerivedDataCacheModule::StartupModule() Address = 0x1228705ef (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-DerivedDataCache.dylib]
FModuleManager::LoadModuleWithFailureReason(FName, EModuleLoadResult&, bool) Address = 0x10d3f470b (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-Core.dylib]
FModuleManager::LoadModule(FName, bool) Address = 0x10d3f3436 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-Core.dylib]
IDerivedDataCacheModule* FModuleManager::LoadModulePtr(FName) Address = 0x10d361ad4 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-Core.dylib]
GetDerivedDataCache() Address = 0x10d361a50 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-Core.dylib]
GetDerivedDataCacheRef() Address = 0x10d361b48 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-Core.dylib]
GetGlobalShaderMap(EShaderPlatform, bool) Address = 0x10f601f5d (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-Engine.dylib]
FEngineLoop::PreInit(wchar_t const*) Address = 0x10d0206d2 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor]
GuardedMain(wchar_t const*) Address = 0x10d0355b1 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor]
-[UE4AppDelegate runGameThread:] Address = 0x10d049b4c (filename not found) [in UE4Editor]
-[FCocoaGameThread main] Address = 0x10d268726 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-Core.dylib]
Unknown() Address = 0x7fff8ad95e64 (filename not found) [in Foundation]
_pthread_body Address = 0x7fff8460799d (filename not found) [in libsystem_pthread.dylib]
_pthread_body Address = 0x7fff8460791a (filename not found) [in libsystem_pthread.dylib]
thread_start Address = 0x7fff84605351 (filename not found) [in libsystem_pthread.dylib]

Hi MediaMike,

Are you using the Launcher Binary version of the Engine or did you download the Source version from GitHub?

Are you on a Mac or PC?

If you are using the Launcher Version, try deleting the the DerivedDataCache folder from the install directory. Then, in the Library Tab of the Launcher, click the yellow down arrow on the UE4.13 tab and select “Verify.”

If you are using the Github version, try rebuilding the Engine in Visual Studio (PC) or XCode (Mac). If it continues to crash, try deleting the contents of the DerivedDataCache folder.

Try this solutions and let me know your results,


Hi MediaMike,

Since we have not heard back from you in a while, we are marking this post “resolved” for tracking purposes. However, if you are still experiencing crashes while trying to launch UE4.13.1, please respond with the requested information and we will continue to investigate.

