When I try to launch Unreal Engine 4.13.1, it crashes. I get the following error log:
FGenericPlatformMisc::RaiseException(unsigned int) Address = 0x10d1099fb (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-Core.dylib]
FOutputDeviceMacError::Serialize(wchar_t const*, ELogVerbosity::Type, FName const&) Address = 0x10d2c67c2 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-Core.dylib]
FOutputDevice::Logf(wchar_t const*, …) Address = 0x10d342207 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-Core.dylib]
FDebug::AssertFailed(char const*, char const*, int, wchar_t const*, …) Address = 0x10d33d95b (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-Core.dylib]
operator<<(FArchive&, TArray&) Address = 0x122841073 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-DerivedDataCache.dylib]
FMemoryDerivedDataBackend::LoadCache(wchar_t const*) Address = 0x12283dcfc (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-DerivedDataCache.dylib]
FDerivedDataBackendGraph::ParseBootCache(wchar_t const*, wchar_t const*, FString&) Address = 0x1228383d6 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-DerivedDataCache.dylib]
FDerivedDataBackendGraph::ParseNode(wchar_t const*, FString const&, wchar_t const*, TMap >&) Address = 0x12283469d (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-DerivedDataCache.dylib]
FDerivedDataBackendGraph::ParseHierarchicalCache(wchar_t const*, wchar_t const*, FString const&, wchar_t const*, TMap >&) Address = 0x122838824 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-DerivedDataCache.dylib]
FDerivedDataBackendGraph::ParseNode(wchar_t const*, FString const&, wchar_t const*, TMap >&) Address = 0x122834765 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-DerivedDataCache.dylib]
FDerivedDataBackendGraph::ParseAsyncPut(wchar_t const*, wchar_t const*, FString const&, wchar_t const*, TMap >&) Address = 0x122838f13 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-DerivedDataCache.dylib]
FDerivedDataBackendGraph::ParseNode(wchar_t const*, FString const&, wchar_t const*, TMap >&) Address = 0x1228349e6 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-DerivedDataCache.dylib]
FDerivedDataBackendGraph::ParseKeyLength(wchar_t const*, wchar_t const*, FString const&, wchar_t const*, TMap >&) Address = 0x122838ce4 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-DerivedDataCache.dylib]
FDerivedDataBackendGraph::ParseNode(wchar_t const*, FString const&, wchar_t const*, TMap >&) Address = 0x122834944 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-DerivedDataCache.dylib]
FDerivedDataBackendGraph::FDerivedDataBackendGraph() Address = 0x1228334a2 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-DerivedDataCache.dylib]
FDerivedDataCache::FDerivedDataCache() Address = 0x12285ac7b (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-DerivedDataCache.dylib]
InternalSingleton() Address = 0x122831c9c (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-DerivedDataCache.dylib]
FDerivedDataCacheModule::GetDDC() Address = 0x122870679 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-DerivedDataCache.dylib]
FDerivedDataCacheModule::StartupModule() Address = 0x1228705ef (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-DerivedDataCache.dylib]
FModuleManager::LoadModuleWithFailureReason(FName, EModuleLoadResult&, bool) Address = 0x10d3f470b (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-Core.dylib]
FModuleManager::LoadModule(FName, bool) Address = 0x10d3f3436 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-Core.dylib]
IDerivedDataCacheModule* FModuleManager::LoadModulePtr(FName) Address = 0x10d361ad4 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-Core.dylib]
GetDerivedDataCache() Address = 0x10d361a50 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-Core.dylib]
GetDerivedDataCacheRef() Address = 0x10d361b48 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-Core.dylib]
GetGlobalShaderMap(EShaderPlatform, bool) Address = 0x10f601f5d (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-Engine.dylib]
FEngineLoop::PreInit(wchar_t const*) Address = 0x10d0206d2 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor]
GuardedMain(wchar_t const*) Address = 0x10d0355b1 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor]
-[UE4AppDelegate runGameThread:] Address = 0x10d049b4c (filename not found) [in UE4Editor]
-[FCocoaGameThread main] Address = 0x10d268726 (filename not found) [in UE4Editor-Core.dylib]
Unknown() Address = 0x7fff8ad95e64 (filename not found) [in Foundation]
_pthread_body Address = 0x7fff8460799d (filename not found) [in libsystem_pthread.dylib]
_pthread_body Address = 0x7fff8460791a (filename not found) [in libsystem_pthread.dylib]
thread_start Address = 0x7fff84605351 (filename not found) [in libsystem_pthread.dylib]