I’ve been programming on a UE4.25 Game for a few days now, and I have encounterd a few very strange bugs. While some of them might be due to my inexperience with UE4 (I’ve been using it for only a few months now), they behave very strange. There are pretty mutch 3 big bugs I encounterd, 2 of them caused the engine to crash. The first one is pretty simple, some of my C++ variabels (a Poiter, to be exact) didn’t update in the details pannel, if I called the function which changed them from C++. This one might be my fault, but I’m not sure, what I could have done wrong. If you want more Information on that, just look up my Post “Why isnt my C++ Pointer updating to Blueprint?”. The other 2 though where more seveire. First of all, the Engine randomly crashed sometimes, after compiling C++ Code. But after restarting everything seemed to work fine again. But the 3rd bug happend after I compiled BP Code (All it did was defining a BlueprintNativeEvent, which activated one Camera and deactivated annother, to change between 1st and 3rd person). The Engine crashed as soon as I pressed the Button to compile and every time me or the Engine tries to open the file after restarting in one way or annother, the engine crashes. (Its enough to Right-click it). I did save right bevor that, so it’s not unlikely, that the last 2 bugs have the same cause. I didn’t post this to the Bug Submission Forum, because I have no idea how to replicate this bug or what could have caused it. Did someone encounter something similar, or does someone know, what to do about it, or what could have caused this bugs? I’m not worried about my current game, since I’ve only been working on it for 5 days, but because I have no idea, what caused that bug, I am afraid that it might happen again with a bigger project.If you need some more information, feel free to ask.