Unreal Engine Crashes when importing tiled landscapes


I am currently making Hawaii in Unreal engine 4 - I am importing the third island and I keep getting a crash to desktop with unreal engine 4.

I am using the World Composition tools.

Here are my settings for the import -

My landscape size for each terrain is 4033 x 4033 as per the recommended landscape sizes. LINK

I have 32 levels in World Composition so far. There is going to be allot more hopefully.

I am attaching the latest log file as well as a .dmp file.

Just as a side note I am also running Windows 10.

Link to Log and DMP files in 7z format.

If you need any more information just ask.

Hey HeadClot,

Currently Win10 is not an officially supported platform as it is very new and has reported and known issues with the Engine thus far. We will continue to work with Win 10 to build compatibility and stability in the future.

With that in mind, it sounds like you are building a pretty massive world so be sure not all of your levels are visible at the same time as this could cause your project to crash depending on your hardware.

Would you mind providing me with your ‘dxdiag’ so I can take a look at your system’s specifications?

Also, take a look at our suggestions on ‘How to Report a Bug’ so in the future you can provide us with all of your information in the original post. This will speed up the reporting/troubleshooting process.

How to Report a Bug

Thank you,

Hey Andrew

Here is my Dxdiag of my system :slight_smile:

link text

Hey HeadClot,

This could be an issue with Windows 10 and DirectX 12.

This is going to be hard to reproduce unless I have the files you are using to import, but even then we aren’t using the same system and the test result could vary greatly.

We are working hard to build greater compatibility and reliability with the new Windows 10 platform as well as DirectX 12. Since these are very new stability is a major concern so we will not officially support these until thorough testing has been complete.

If you would like I can create a bug report with the issue, but I am going to need some reproducible steps to add to the report. This way, when we are able to fully support these features and platforms, we can run tests following the steps and use the logs to find a fix for the issue.

Thank you,