Unreal Engine Crashes Everytime I open a project

Hi, I’m getting crashes on Unreal Engine 4.12.5 whenever I want to open a specific project. I tried opening other “smaller” projects and it seemed to have load. Would anyone have any solutions to this? As the loader crashes whenever it reaches 90% and over. Thank you

I’m not sure what to attach and where to find them so if anyone needs any extra information, please comment. Thanks :slight_smile:

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you should first attach the log file.
{Project Foler}/Saved/Logs/{Project}.log

Here it is thank you
link text

It has this as the last thing that pops up on the log.

Fatal error: [File:D:\Build++UE4+Release-4.12+Compile\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Foliage\Private\FoliageInstanceBase.cpp] [Line: 90]
Instance base cache - integrity verification(3): Counter: 26 Size: 25, InvSize: 24 (L:1 S:0 T:0)


This is currently a known issue, and has been resolved internally. You can track the status of the issue here: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-32774)

Have a great day

There are currently no known workarounds. However, keep an eye on the ticket for the commit to become available, and then you can merge it into your build (if you are using a Source build) to get the fix before the official release.

So are there no solution to opening the project at all? Because I desperately need it for my major work. Thank you