Unreal Engine crashes at most 30 seconds after first click

This is my first time using UE. For the past few weeks, UE always crashes at most 30 seconds after i click on the window. UE will work fine until I click. I can the default player move his his body back and forth, but once I click somewhere on the window, the player freezes, and I am unable to interact with anything on the window.

My PC is below recommended, but UE worked on my friends laptop with worse specs than mine. This was just a few months ago.

Here is my task manager window. Please disregard the current percents on everything, thats with UE out of focus:

As you can see, nothing is maxing out.

Most of the time, I have to force restart my PC to get it working again once UE crashes since I wont be able to interact with Win10 either

same issue with UE 4.21 or newer

same issue with UE 4.21 or newer

Apologies if this seems like a silly reminder… but, you’ve updated all of your video drivers, chipset drivers, etc.

Does this happen on a specific project? Or any project? For example, if you install the CONTENT EXAMPLES, when you load that, does it crash?