I’m running i7 3.4ghz. 16gb ram gtx 760. engine will not start HELP PLEASE
Hey, ovakimyan.
Is the launcher crashing, or is the engine crashing?
If it’s the engine, what version are you using? Furthermore, are you compiling the Source version from Github or are you using the binary (Launcher)?
Hi Jonathan, I have tried it from the launcher and running ue4edit.exe direct. From ver. 4.0 - 4.4.3 same result. I downloaded all versions for the launcher. Thanks.
Did the engine work before this crash started happening?
No I was never able to get it going.
Okay. Please give me:
- Your dxdiag.
- Your log and dmp files. This thread says how to get them.
Ok Jonathan link text
Hey ovakimyan,
I reported this crash internally. We’ll assign someone to investigate it ASAP.
Thanks for your help Jonathan. I’ll be waiting.
Hey ovakimyan,
It seems like you’re missing the MeshUtilities.dll file. Can you search for it in your Engine\binaries\Win64 folder? If you don’t have it, I would recommend a complete reinstall.
Did you reinstall the launcher (with the .msi file?) or just the engine?
with the .msi.
Hey ovakimyan,
Sorry for the delay, but I’m still working on your crash. Are you still having the problem?
Hi Jonathan,
So the problem was with the way my motherboard was attaching the hard drive. I was able to fix the problem.
Sorry for the wast of time.