Unreal Engine build environment with 'Bitbucket Pipelines'

Hi Unreal Engine Community,

I’m a Pipeline Technical Director currently working in a small globally operating studio. At the moment I’m ramping-up a production pipeline for producing more or less small VR experiences utilizing Unreal Engine.

We definitely want to optimize and automate as much as possible the whole building and testing workflow. So, I wonder if it is doable pushing some services into the cloud to keep the infrastructure investment scope as small as possible for now. We already using Atlassian Bitbucket (Git) for coding work and since Bitbucket introduced Git LFS it might be a great option for source controlling game/vr development projects as well. Additionally, Atlassians cloud based building platform ‘Bitbucket Pipelines’ might be a great opportunity as well.

The point is, is there any chance to setup a build configuration (based on Docker images) within ‘Bitbucket Pipelines’ to build Unreal Engine projects for the Windows platform? Did someone already tried this? Or might this be a dead end?

Thanks for any support,


to answer the question myself: :wink:

For now I think it isn’t doable. The resources of ‘Bitbucket Pipeline’ build slaves are too limited for full game builds as well as Windows isn’t supported at the moment. What a pity. Maybe some time in the future. :cool:


Even if ‘windows’ was supported, the sheer size required to have a setup that builds the engine (VisualStudio alone…) is too big for a free service on top of bitbucket or github (Travis CI) most likely.

You can take a look at Appveyor https://www.appveyor.com, they specialise in CI on Windows, with VisualStudio setups etc. To get the result of your build, you will have to pay for a license though.

Hi alfalfasprossen,

your are absolutely right, doing this with Windows will require a lot of resources. Actually it may not necessarily be a free service we are looking for. Even ‘Bitbucket Pipeline’ will cost some additional money if you have to build a lot. But indeed, Atlassian’s pricing model seems to be pretty fair.

Thanks for the hint with appveyor. I just could only take a glimpse at their site. But I’ll have to take a closer look at it. But looks not too bad in the first place. :slight_smile:

Thanks again,