every time, when I start my project this Blueprint has compile-state: Error, but when I compile it, everything works… There is no error. It doesn’t save the state of compiling… (It’s an UMG )
Can I make this right XD ?
every time, when I start my project this Blueprint has compile-state: Error, but when I compile it, everything works… There is no error. It doesn’t save the state of compiling… (It’s an UMG )
Can I make this right XD ?
Have you updated/deleted anything connecting to it? Maybe another blueprint. Sometime references remain within the BP which can trigger an error when it first loads. Redundant references can cause run-time issues which is what it may be catching.
No, I didn’t change anything.
Hot do I ru run-time issues?
Perhaps just a UMG related bug then, I think this used to happen in one of my old projects - if it doesn’t cause errors/breaks when you run it - it’s nothing to worry about.
Run-time errors are errors that occur while the application is running, i.e. if you try load an actor that doesn’t exist, you’ll get an error after you finish debugging or may even crash the game. Usually these are handled via compilation errors to try to ensure minimal run-time errors (they’re annoying and a lot better to know where the error is before the application gets to it). If you’re using BPs, you don’t need to worry about them. I mentioned it because BPs are visual C++ node programming and redundant floating pointers/references can cause them.