Unreal Engine Blueprint Work

I’d like to pay someone to make me custom tutorial videos on blueprinting and provide me the finished blueprint a long with a quick tutorial (whether uploaded through the net or sent through google drive or something is fine). I have been 3d modeling and using unreal for about a month now. I am picking up modeling pretty quick but a bit slower on the blueprinting/coding. I have some specific blueprinting questions and needs that I would like done for me but also a quick video tutorial going over the completed work.

Most blueprint needs are based around adding movement variables to (or along with) the existing inherited character movement variables that come in the default character blueprint, power bars and collision responses. Also some button functionality. I am super new to this and doing it as a hobby for now but I can’t even make much of a hobby out of it without getting over a few of these blueprint snags. Email me if interested at skypossum808@gmail.com and I will respond with the details of what I’d like done. I will send half the money through paypal to get started and the other half once I see the video tutorial and then you can send the file.


Are you sure of this because there a lot of Blueprint tutorials already, if you could provide some specific details such as a list even help you find videos already out that cover the topics. If there isn’t one that exist specifically for something advanced then it would be wise to be paying for just that tutorial.

The stuff I need isn’t that advanced and some of the stuff I’d like done, I have done myself via tutorials but for some of it rather pay someone to do it if it isn’t too expensive. I like tinkering with level design more then the blueprint stuff. I will provide a list to anyone who is interested via email skypossum808@gmail.com.


here is a project im working on, i can show you some things if you like, message me if you like.

Thanks! I am looking to get done some added work to the existing projectile blueprint. Basically I would like to be able to “Charge” up the projectile. So tapping the projectile button shoots the projectile slow and holding the projectile button down increases the velocity of the shot. Send me an email skypossum808@gmail.com or message me and I will give you more details for a quote.

Appreciate it.

Upping, thanks!