Unreal Engine Blackboard value not being changed

I have the following function:

void AAI_BookController::BookPatrol()
    APawn* MyBot = GetPawn();
    if (MyBot == NULL)

    AAI_BasicEnemy* BaseEnemy = (AAI_BasicEnemy*)GetPawn();
    FVector MyLoc = MyBot->GetActorLocation();

    float AddX;
    float AddY;
    float NewWhereShouldAIPatrolTo; //Voor de Blackboard key: WhereShouldAIPatrolTo

    //Check de huidige waarde van WhereShouldAIPatrolTo
    if (WhereShouldAIPatrolTo == 5)
        AddX = 100;
        AddY = 100;
        NewWhereShouldAIPatrolTo = 6;
        GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.f, FColor::Red, TEXT("kom ik hier! if1"));

else if (WhereShouldAIPatrolTo == 6)
        AddX = 100;
        AddY = -100;
        NewWhereShouldAIPatrolTo = 7;
        GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.f, FColor::Red, TEXT("kom ik hier! if2"));
    else if (WhereShouldAIPatrolTo == 7)
        AddX = -100;
        AddY = -100;
        NewWhereShouldAIPatrolTo = 8;
    else if (WhereShouldAIPatrolTo == 8)
        AddX = -100;
        AddY = 100;
        NewWhereShouldAIPatrolTo = 9;
    //GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.f, FColor::Red, FString::FromInt(NewWhereShouldAIPatrolTo));
    //Pas de WhereShouldAIPatrolTo nummer aan zodat die een andere kant op loopt volgende keer
    BlackboardComp->SetValueAsFloat(WhereShouldAIPatrolTo, NewWhereShouldAIPatrolTo);

    //Pas de locatie waar de AI moet heen lopen aan en stuur deze naar het Blackboard
    float NewX = MyLoc[0] + AddX;
    float NewY = MyLoc[1] + AddY;
    MyLoc.Set(NewX, NewY, MyLoc[2]);
    BlackboardComp->SetValueAsVector(SetPatrolRoute, MyLoc);

This function is being called by the Behavior tree every tick so that my AI will (if it all works the way I think it should) move in circles. Now the problem is that my WhereShouldAIPatrolTo is not being changes even when I use:

BlackboardComp->SetValueAsFloat(WhereShouldAIPatrolTo, NewWhereShouldAIPatrolTo);

Does someone know what is happening ? cause when I use breakpoints on the code above my NewWhereShouldAIPatrolTo is 6, but when the function is being called again its 5 again…

Correction:When I run it now the value in the Blackboard changed to 6 as it should, but the function is called and it says its 5…