Hello for all. I have issue which i could not solve for hours. I created a game and i packaged it. In exe (which comes after packaging), My enemies (a specific type)
does not update its rotation (In 2D game, looking right or left animation), error becoming
when try to set movement direction variable (its a variable in my game which i created and used it in specific operations), I can kill and destroy the enemies so i am checking this enemy in its blueprint with Is valid (i set object type to (enemy_BP)).
In unreal engine when i test the game works properly. But in packaged executable
game cannot find the enemy_BP (Is valid returns false even character in scene) and it does not update character rotation.
And there is no errors while compiling and packaging.
Can someone help me? What causes this, i am newbie.
Unreal Engine - Version: 5.1.0
Windows 10 and Windows 11 SDK downloaded from Visual Studio Installer by choosing “game development with c++” option. (1/18/2023)