Unreal Engine 5 Lidar Point Cloud Size

Hello everyone!
So I have most likey a basic question but I’m a beginner in Unreal Engine so I couldn’t figure it out alone.
Basically I have a point cloud data in .las format and I want to render with this data. It looks perfect on Revit. I have attached a clip from Revit down below:

However, when I import it into the unreal engine, the quality drops significantly.

I thought maybe it had something to do with the size and shape of the point clouds, they are huge and rectangular. But so far I couldn’t change them. LIDAR Plugin states that the sizes can be changed in the detail panel’s appearence tab but there is no such tab in my view(see the image above)

Also I can’t edit the imported point cloud data, as seen below, I don’t get any toolbars for it…

What would you suggest? Thank you in advance! :slight_smile: