Unreal engine 5 is crashing when trying to open some ressources on my project

Hi, I’m currently trying to learn and do my first game on Unreal Engine 5, I was working on it for two weeks and making some progress when suddenly today the engine crash when I try to open some ressources (blueprints, level, widget, even a structure)

I don’t know what to do about it, I tried replacing them by some old auto save but the issue persist.

The crash report i’m getting is

Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0xffffffffffffffff

I don’t want to make my first post to long by putting every bit of log I found since I’m not sure which ones are relevant, I can add more infos if you ask me too.

I’m not really sure on what files are concerned, they seems mostly be the ones with more code and open last time I worked on my project and closed the editor, but from memory it seems that there is some exceptions so I don’t want to be definitive about it.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I’m very sad too see two weeks of work disapear and even if I restart from scratch I’m fearful of this issue happening again.

Thanks in advance


Hi, I tried to do a new project and it’s happening again, what am I doing wrong ?
Please I need some help, I can’t loose all progress each week like that.

Hi @anonymous_user_096ade8e! First step here is not to panic, and, if you can, make a copy of your project and place that on a flashdrive. Are you using the latest update of UE5? “EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION” are usually caused by overall PC health. Have you done a Windows update recently? Definitely check your drivers and I also suggest removing and reinstalling your copy of UE5 and Visual Studio if you are using it. Here’s some more info on 0xffffffffffffffff errors. Last but not least posting your log for some more insight into what you are experiencing would be very helpful.

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Hi thanks for the answer. I’m using the latest version of unreal engine (5.0.1) and my computer is normally up to date, it don’t seems to have any issues with the others activities i’m doing with it (mostly internet, playing games and coding in nodeJS) I will try to reinstall unreal engine see if it solve the issue and answer back.

I join the last crash log to this answer.

UECC-Windows-C75AE0C34D638A62C13E94909328EC8B_0000.zip (223.6 KB)

Hi again, I tried to reinstall unreal engine on another hard drive (a SSD) and I stilll have the same issue, the project open correctly, some files are working and others make the engine crash as soon as i try to access them.
I have no issues with examples projects which are way bigger and more complex than mine. It seems to be specifically the one i’m working on so my guess would be something about frequent modification which create the bug.

The stack trace in the bug report is often different, even for the same files. Mostly

Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0xffffffffffffffff
(not always only F it can be others error code) but the last one was not an exception_access_violation but

Assertion failed: false [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\UObject\LinkerLoad.cpp] [Line: 5376]

It seems mostly random, not always the same error on the same file.
Il will try to install the engine on another computer and open the project with it, I’ll post the result here as soon as it is done.

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Hi again,

After some dark days I dig in this issue again and managed to find what seems to be a cause. All assets which were crashing the engine where using a structure, deleting this structure from the content folder allow me to open them again.

Now I would like to know what I was doing wrong with this structure, why it was working for some times before suddenly making a mess.

The structure was intended to contains all the stats of a unit in the game, for now it was only five variables, one float, one integer, two names and an array of class reference.

Clearly for code organisation having all the stats of a unit neatly stored in one structure variable seems better than putting them one by one in the unit blueprint, so it would be useful to be able to use it without issue.

Does anybody have experienced something similar and know how to avoid it ?

Thanks in advance.


Hello, i have nearly the same issue but for me the crash happens at engine startup. i recreated the project and when i added the structs the engine won’t open anymore…
this will not be funny but it seems to be the structs that causes crash…

i have the same problem about my project is it crashes im ue5. I have question? My project file size is 70gb to 90gb. Its because of that my project crashed? or I have to make a small size coz my team has not purchased a license from unreal engine yet. We also decided to make a cheap game first then if that worked then we would buy a unreal engine license.