Unreal Engine 5 Glitching & Blacking Out

When I open the Unreal Engine 5 project, i got this glitch where it looks like at the bottom right of my screen there is a top left side of a toolbar/menu bar. When i hover my mouse around File/Edit/Window or any other toolbar, that top left side part just appears below that aswell. And when I try to screenshot it, only that top left part of toolbar from bottom right of my screen appears. I tried reinstalling Unreal and the problem hasn’t changed. Please help.

Hello and welcome to the community.

Your current concern is quite interesting. I did a bit of searching for this myself and found the concern is quite similar to the one here.

The member speaks of turning MFAA off in the Nvidia control panel.

I hope their solution assists you.


Hi mate hope your well,

I had the same issue, read the below just copying and pasting the fix from my post.

Hope it works GL, did for me and a couple of others.

This could be described as UE5 stuttering , Ui issue , black screen , glitching screen just some keywords for google.

I fixed this issue by switching Multi-Frame Sampled AA (MFAA) off in the Nvidia control panel. (On windows it’s not an engine setting.)

From my knowledge it seems to be an issue with the Evga Geforce 2060 RTX Super & the 2070 RTS Super.


It worked! Thank you so much.

Thank you!