Unreal Engine 5 crashing

Every now and then when using unreal, if I try to do anything like place an actor, edit a blueprint, create a blueprint, etc… Unreal Engine freezes, I get a blue loading circle for a few seconds and then it crashes and opens epic games with no crash log. So far the only way that Ive found how to fix this is deleting unreal engine, then reinstalling it. Then it it will work for a few hours, maybe even a few days if im lucky. Then the crash starts happening again. Verifying unreal engine does not fix it, only deleting it a reinstalling fixes it temporarily. Though this is a fix its only a temporary one and always having to delete and reinstall unreal engine interrupts my work flow and is annoying. Does anyone know a possible fix?

Hey @LP4555, Welcome to the forums!
This could be a variety of issues, but it seems like the most plausible is that you have some other code dependencies that aren’t installed on your device.
Could I ask your computer specs/the version of unreal you’re running? It may help me debug your issue.