Unreal engine 5 anroid game doesn't work on Android 14+

I have a game that works fine on older devices (<android 14) but on 14 and 15 it seems to have a fatal exception main error, ie, the game opens for a split second and closes/crashes.

I have tried adding a ManifestRequirementsOverride.txt as mentioned here but it crashes again with same issue on adding the manifest override text file.

This is my logcat

I’m using unreal engine 5.1, min sdk 26, target sdk 35, jdk1.8.0_202, ndk 25.1.8937393(r26b)

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I also have some low end android devices but it can not work like that. Anyone have a solution for it?

If it is possible - use the newer engine. Here is what you can find on the page related to android for UE 5.4:

After August 31, 2024, Google Play Store requires apps to target Android 14, which requires API level 34. To publish new apps on the Google Play Store after this date, you must update to UE 5.4.4 for target SDK 34 support. Apps built with previous versions of UE will no longer submit successfully. For more information, see the Android documentation on Google Play’s target API level requirement.