Had same issue, need to reboot and restart launcher
I have gotten some issue with UE5.5.3 about mt.exe while just buiding the C++ project even rawly with UE Editor, and then failed to build the project.
Key error Info:
LINK : fatal error LNK1327: Error during running mt.exe
9>EXEC : error : Process did not start properly. GetExitCodeProcess returned 0x540 (C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.22621.0\x64\mt.exe Size: 1980000, CasKey: 05dc3b306da41f31073391c9c5ca4823798db600)
There is another post about exactly the same issue, but no more reply to solve About UE5.5 version VS compilation error,[fatal error LNK1327: Error during running mt.exe]
Does anyone have some idea about that? Looking forward to any reply.
I wish navigation (mesh) would get some check up. Async gathering is broken (5.5.2) and often when changing values (cell size) the mesh refuse to build, instead new recast nav mesh is made and it might not show as drawed in editor. And when loading different map the navigation crashed editor.