Unreal engine 5.5 modular rig leg not working

So I guess the modular Rig system It could be broken on the foot module it doesn’t work with epics mannequin or any other Rig, anyone could fixed this?, all other solutions are because of the rotation axis but in this case the own epic mannequin is not working, foot is always failing.

This is partially a solution, I think this is happening because mannequin just have a ball bone and not a tip bone, but with a tip bone I couldn’t make it to work, cos It is still having some sockets in red, maybe then It is because of the orientation I will look at it.

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I happen to find the same issue. The foot component fails to find a previous leg setup because the foot component itself deletes it.
And yes, even with U5 Mannequin the issue is still present.
Anyone knows how to parent/fix/BP this correctly?

@miguline take a look at this. It’s confirmed it is a bug, however, I did this to solve it: https://youtu.be/8ysclfHAbfk?feature=shared&t=145

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