Unreal Engine 5.4 Released

Seems like Stereo Layer Cubemaps are still not working… this needs to be fixed urgently please!

It’s a shame. I was really looking forward for the nanite tessellation feature and M3 chips are more than capable handling it. I just hope someone at Epic would notice and fix this bug asap.

Can you please remove the annoying bookmark popups? They tank performance and are just redundant, as it is quite clear you’re jumping to bookmarks since doing so usually changes the camera angle. At the very least let us disable this “feature” in the editor settings.


Will there be any documentation for the motion design add on released at some point?

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Please, can you fix that LerpUVs on Nanite as a hot fix? It plays the animation now, but you dont lerp the texture channels anymore (UV 0 for example). We must have an option to choose between texture and data channels! This is a real pain that you did the right thing but wrong. We cannot use it like that! Please.

We need an option to enable this per channel, code from source: Engine\Source\Developer\NaniteBuilder\Private\Cluster.cpp

	// Normalize UVWeights
	for( uint32 UVIndex = 0; UVIndex < Settings.NumTexCoords; UVIndex++ )
		float UVWeight = 0.0f;
		if( Settings.bLerpUVs )
			float TriangleUVSize = FMath::Sqrt( UVArea[UVIndex] / (float)NumTris );
			TriangleUVSize = FMath::Max( TriangleUVSize, THRESH_UVS_ARE_SAME );
			UVWeight =  1.0f / ( 128.0f * TriangleUVSize );
		*WeightsPtr++ = UVWeight;
		*WeightsPtr++ = UVWeight;
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The YouTube tutorial

Unreal Engine 5.4 Motion Matching in 13 Minutes | 2024 (youtube.com)


Community Tutorial: NEW How to Use Motion Matching in Unreal Engine 5.4 - General / Tutorial & Course Discussions - Epic Developer Community Forums

Motion Matching | Epic Developer Community (epicgames.com)

Epic Marketplace paid

Motion Matching Male Locomotion Set in Animations - UE Marketplace (unrealengine.com)

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(post deleted by author)

After upgrading to 5.4 and starting the editor for the second time (and every attempt after) it gets stuck forcibly adding StarterContent to source control, even if it’s already added.

Adding this to DefaultGame.ini might help


Where is the MetaHuman blueprint component UEFN got months ago?
And UEFN MetaHumans also get exclusive locomotion animations?

From UEFN 5.4, exists a MetaHuman component to make them run much faster than ever before possible (without modifying the MetaHuman outside of UE).


We need this in Unreal Engine please! It is critical for MetaHuman performance and accessibility. Please do not hide amazing tools exclusively inside of UEFN. :frowning:


Excuse me but what’s with blatant lie here? : https://youtu.be/ltQfA5Wqdik?t=136

Last time I checked, TSR became 1 ms MORE expensive with almost no improvement to its handling of motion and temporal fizzing(becuase it uses too many frames)

Are you telling me preview 4.5’s TSR was that behind and was fixed so quickly? Also, as far as I know software variable refresh shading only increases performance substantially when it becomes so visually unappealingly it needs a temporal solution to fix it, which is exactly against the 121 votes of the 1# feedback thread stands against.

This my two cents until I delete some big projects and gain some space to test the current 5.4
I have not seen any performance improvement, nor is anyone showing any atm nor were the optimization workflows stated in the 1# thread even addressed. Lumen is more expensive, TSR is more expensive, Nanite still can’t even render grass as good as HFW’s deferred texturing and just adds 2.5-3ms of overhead. I cringe every time I hear a developer say they are using these technologies because 90% of their don’t need the software designs being focused on by Epic.

Workflow enhancements like the cloud DDC are things that are greatly appreciated and provide benefits to developers without harming consumer performance.

Also, some people who voted for the thread wanted better scripting performance, so 5.4 might deliver on that so props to at least that concern for users. But IMO the GPU software designs really need to be more appropriate for less FN-ish designs(that is explained in the thread).


Is there a release estimate for the motion matching sample project? I was able to get through shuffle, walk, jog, run, sprint, boosted sprint for Ludum Dare 55, but couldnt figure out the z movements. Im guessing choosers will help there, but being able to reverse engineer from sample project would be very beneficial.

Glad to see v5.4.0 is released!

However, v5.4.0 is much slower in rendering on Mac Metal comparing to v5.3.2


5.4 doesn’t show up in my library. When I hit the plus button nothing shows. Any reason?

When I try to quickly add lights or volumes to the project, it crashes more than half the time. After three consecutive crashes, I quietly switched to version 5.3.2.

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So far my testing shows this isn’t ready for production. I spent 3 hours converting my project from 5.3 to work at all on 5.4. I haven’t had this much trouble switching engine versions is years.

While the editor is running right it is resetting the GDI, and Windows 10 Pro is restarting the desktop with Lumen enabled or disabled.

Once I got it running even the content browser won’t stay where I put it after launching the editor even after saving my layout.

I am sure it is riddled with bugs but they Epic always do a good job of patching it, I expect a few point releases which is the pattern.

I am still testing performance, just from gut feel the built project seems faster, but I also disabled Lumen and all those rendering features to get the performance of 4.27.2 back. Now I am testing Lumen.

Update 1: Lumen still performs poorly - disable it if you want FPS use the old methods. Also you will want to really convert your project to using Enhanced Input if you are still using the older input method it seems to throw a lot of errors even disabling Enhanced Input at the project level still causes console errors but it works.


Noice! Excited to check out the new features! :grin:

This update feels really good for animators.

Although I must point out that Modular Control Rig , generates everything but Hips Control Is not presented in viewport, It only exists in Anim Outliner

Here’s how the hips controller should look in previous UE versions.

hi @Sky_Hand_Zan you need to click the dropdown

Then the list will appear

Hi @Amanda.Schade ,

In March, we announced that a new pricing model would start in late April. With this release, that model is now in effect.

So, new pricing won’t affect the 5.4 Preview? And/or github manually compiled branches? An official specification about this certain things, with a little more depth details, would be so great.

Thank you very much