Starting up a new project is fine, but when I enable the new “Motion Design” plugin and re-start the editor, it crashes at 45% when compiling, and gives the error log-
"Fatal error: [File:E:\UnrealEngine_5-4\UnrealEngine-5.4\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\ShaderCompiler\ShaderCompiler.cpp] [Line: 10532]
2 Shader compiler errors compiling GlobalShaders for platform PCD3D_SM5. Enable ‘r.ShaderDevelopmentMode’ in ConsoleVariables.ini for retries.
I’ve tried changing the ConsoleVariables.ini text by un-commenting the r.ShaderDevelopmentMode line in the .ini file and re-saving but that didn’t work.
I found that enabling the independent plugin “Geometry Mask” will crash and give the same report as enabling the Motion Design plugin. When I open the “.uproject” file in Notepad++, and set the “Geometry Mask” plugin to false, the project file will open, but without those features.
I’m no programmer, but is there a way to solve this?