Unreal Engine 5.3 Released

GPU Lightmass is completely broken, or at least I can’t make it work on 5.3.0 and 5.3.1. It just works if I use a mesh that has the BasicShapeMaterial that comes in the engine folder applied to it. Not sure if this is a known issue and Epic is working on a fix, but it seems like a big issue right now.

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Hi @SalvaCGI
I have upgraded LGPU to 5.3 preview at
Luoshuang’s GPULightmass - Development / Rendering - Epic Developer Community Forums (unrealengine.com)
It was originally for Nvidia GTX series, but also works up to RTX 4400
The new GPU 5.3 binary new DXR GPULightmass.
Epic’s GPUlightmass - Development / Rendering - Epic Developer Community Forums (unrealengine.com)
is the built-in GPU version

Place Local height fog on scene
Unreal 5.3.1 mac m1 max Ventura 13.6

Is your issue the same as mine? https://forums.unrealengine.com/t/epics-gpulightmass/139357/

In addition to my issue, there is an issue with emissive materials not appearing in the first bounce. It’s been aknowledged and a fix is coming in 5.4 (in probably 6 months)

Ummm I need a little help I can’t install the engine

In the epic game launcher I go to Unreal Engine Tab and on the top right there is this install now button When I press it nothing really happens


Please help me, I am using Mac OS Sonoma 14.0 (Apple M2 Max). In our office we use Maxone (all of the products).

I updated to Unreal Engine 5.3.1, after update I am facing the following issue. Please help me to figure it out.

Can’t seem to get the source build running on 5.3.0 or 5.3.1. In 0, can’t generate project files. That is fixed in .1 which breaks when building the lightmass and shadercompileworker.

Starts at this and errors out from here. Can’t figure out a fix.

Using M2 Ultra Chip Mac Studio.
Xcode 14

No major issues when using the precompiled editor.

Notes recommend this setup rather than upgrading to new XCode. Anyone know if upgrading fixes source build issues?

Edit: Build works fine when setting target to UE5 and skipping the others. It seems to be an issue with the target build only allowing intel Macs and not silicon when attempting to build lightmass alone.


Hi @CreativeLead ,
Have you done the upgrade for 5.3 as 2024 as per
Magic Bullet Suite 2024.0.0 - September 13, 2023 – Knowledge Base (maxon.net)
Anyway your plugin needs to be removed and re-installed “MagicBulletLooks”.
So you might as well download latest version and install

Hi @Jimbohalo10

Thanks for your quick reply. UE 5.3 works when I uninstall Magic Bullet Suite (from Maxon App). As I reinstalled Magic Bullet Suite (from Maxon App), UE 5.3 doesn’t work.

Please guide me how to fix it.

hi @CreativeLead ,
The problem could be in your project load module which is in the your Project .
We will use assume this filename is called"Test" for this Test.uproject. Look in the project root directory.

The problem is you may have a module load request at the front of your
This needs to be edited with a basic text editor Mac equivalent of Win10 Notepad.
and the module entry removed

	"FileVersion": 3,
	"EngineAssociation": "5.3",
	"Category": "",
	"Description": "",

	"Modules": [
			"Name": "MagicBulletLooks",
			"Type": "Runtime",
			"LoadingPhase": "Default",
			"AdditionalDependencies": [
	"Plugins": [

Now the file looks like

	"FileVersion": 3,
	"EngineAssociation": "5.3",
	"Category": "",
	"Description": "",
	"Plugins": [

Save and exit the editor and restart Engine editor.

If this still has a problem, then the error lies in the plugin code
The file MagicBulletLooks.uplugin in the directory Engine → Plugins → MagicBulletLooks
Open this in the text editor

	"Modules": [
			"Name": "MagicBulletLooks",
			"Type": "Editor",
			"LoadingPhase": "PostDefault",
			"PlatformAllowList": [

Check that “Mac” is in the PlatformAllowedList if so

Just remove the section as you did previously then try again in the editor.

If this starts properly something is wrong with Magic Bullet Suite 2024.0.0 code and you need to log a support call

Send this information and your screen dump and this will make it quicker to fix for 5.3.1
using the “Submit a Request” and hopefully you can login and report the problem.

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I just tested 5.3.1 performance on a big project using world partition, nanite and lumen. Performance is greatly improved on PC, we are getting from 14% to 17% of performance increases(from 5.2.1). Very nice indeed, we will test performance on Mac soon.

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@Manking-1 Hey :slight_smile: i have a similar problem with landscape layers, my landscape material is custom built and in 5.3 certain layers no longer work correctly, i think the layers are broken or something if i use a working layer and switch it in the material with a not broken one it works again. i tried creating all new landscape paint layers, but this did not fix the problem. Did you figure anything out?

I updated the landscape materials from the brusify plugin of the new version 5.3 by overwriting the current ones (after saving copies), and then duplicated all the landscape materials and all the functions and manually set new connections. The main thing is to save the same name in landscape layer blend so that it corresponds to the landscape layer and its LayerInfo.
Then everything will be restored on the landscape.


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I don’t think this is an engine problem, it is most likely a Brushify problem. I have lost count of how many times I have had to rebuild my custom material layers in the Brushify landscape layer blue print…even going back to UE5.0.3. I’m still only using UE5.2.1 for now…and this happened to me just recently after updating a Brushify pack.

The problem I see is Brushify over writes the Landscape layer blueprint when any update from Brushify is applied causing any customization to be lost. I always keep a backup of my project so I can reference anything I have done to the landscape layer if this happens anytime…and then its just a matter of redoing the layers again…just as you have done.

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i do not use brushify, so i think there is a problem with the engine, something has changed.
I think my material is corrupted in some way because, the layers not working does not follow any logic that makes any sense atleast to me…
i recreated all paint layers from scratch, but this just made other layers that worked before not work. Is there a new max cap for layers that can be sampled now or anything like that?
I really would like to avoid setting up the whole material from scratch again and then still not have it work in the end… :frowning:

Lumen is pretty jacked up in UE5.3, I have 2 identical project files that when opened look totally different between 5.2 and 5.3. Lumen has triple the amount of noise and artifacts in 5.3 so you have to raise the Final Gather Quality even higher (in my case to 20) just to keep things looking as stable as they were in 5.2.

This not only tanks your performance but you still cannot get rid of the flickering problem caused by lights and SSS. What in the actual heck is happening here? This sucks and feels like one step forward and two step back.

Only way to totally get rid of these issues seems to be to use the new Ray Reconstruction in DLSS 3.5, based on the demos. This shouldn’t be the case for something that already worked well before without it though.


best thing to do at this point if you think it is a bug is to report it to Epic with the bug report tool. Make sure it is reproducible. Good luck!!

I’m just starting to get into development and am wondering about this.

My question though is do real studios and developers who are releasing finished games to market only considering 4.26 at this point and is anything 5.0+ experimental/beta regardless of what state epic releases it in?

Is there anywhere to get at least a list of basic features/feature sets that are able to produced sstable/optimized games? I am just trying to get the lay of the land here.

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I wouldn’t use it for production, right now.
Even if there would be a list, they could list something to be stable/ready, but be quite broken, actually.

For production (if no new things broken), I would wait for something like UE5.5.


Is it possible to somehow set a navigation class for water in 5.3?

I need some enemies to be able to walk through the water, and some not.