Unreal Engine 5.3 missing a Debug Tools useful window

Hello !! :slight_smile:
I am fairly new to Unreal development and I am very interested in extending and customizing the Editor.
Online I found a very nice and useful resource from within the Unreal Editor which is no more available in the 5.3 version of the Engine.

This is the Test Suite window accessible from the Debug Tools:

From there you could access the Starship Widgets tab which was a great way to showcase all the available Slates:

Funnily enough, the sources are still in the engine

but I think it has been disabled for some reasons:

May I please ask you why has this been removed?
Moreover, is it possible to have that back? :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank you very much :slight_smile:


Heya I was also looking for this, I found it!
They moved it to Unreal insights.
Click the “Trace” button at the bottom right of the editor (Next to Derived Data), then launch Unreal insights (session Browser)
From there Click the “arrow down” button next to Open Trace, and in the menu: Starship test suite
Hope this helps!


â– â– â– â– , would have never found that! Thanks!

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Thanks @Christoufu !
It looks a bit odd to put it next to the Unreal Insights, it doesn’t seem to have much in common with it, does it? Looks like a bug to me.

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I took some screenshots

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Not the same debug suite.

I found something:

try add -SlateDebug to the launch editor command line.
and it will show this widgets window i never seen.

it’s really hard to find this.

or just launch the SlateViewer:

add "-testsuite"to commond args. it will launch this debug window only, without entire editor, really fast.