Unreal Engine 5.3 crashed when I tried to Persist Session Changes in Multi-Users Editing

I’m working with my friends on a Multi User Editing session and using Github as . It’s fine until I tried to run Persist Session changes in Revision Control Tab. The Ue5 file ran a bit and crashed. But when I checked on my github desktop, just half of the changelist worked. I though that is a Github size ploblem. I read the Crash report but the noticed .uasset file is just 6kB.

Here is my Crash Report:

Assertion failed: InPos <= Size [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Private\HAL\FileManagerGeneric.cpp] [Line: 675] Attempted to seek past the end of file (7744/7226), file: …/…/…/Engine/Content/Functions/Engine_MaterialFunctions02/ExampleContent/Textures/flipbook.uasset. The file is most likely corrupt.

Thank you so much!

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