I am on the brink of insanity with Unreal engine 5, especially in regards to multiplayer. I finally got things working for making a multiplayer lobby and now everything isn’t working properly since i pulled from git.
The Problem:
I have this as a sort of debugger to print the controller which supposedly is my local controller/self for a PC BP. However the result i get from console log when i have a server and client has somehow gone from BP_Lobby_PC_C_0 and BP_Lobby_PC_1 TO BP_Lobby_PC_C_0/BP_LobbyPC0 as shown in image below.
I feel like a toddler right now because i imagine there is a simple solution to this but i am just missing it for some reason.
Thoughts On Where Problem Is:
I am assuming that on construct there may be a problem where the value of the controller/self isn’t assigned properly but i have no idea how i would even begin to modify that and if that isn’t what it is Then i am assuming i somehow broke something that makes the controller somehow always the server but i don’t see any code that would cause this issue to occur.
Help! My get player controller 0 isn’t returning local controller or my local controller isn’t constructing correctly.