Unreal Engine 5 - 2D Tileset: Tiles with different properties

I want to make a Pixel Art 2D Top Down RPG.
I use Tilesets to build the map.

Is there a way to give different Tiles in a Tileset different properties? Like I want Water tiles act like a wall until the charakter get the ability to swim.
So far as I see, I only can give a Tile a collision box and Chance the hight and form of it. Or is there a blueprint option where I can call a specific Tile and give it’s collision box it’s own properties?

Thank you any one who can help.

Hey @citro222!

I have this “Best Practices” document for using tilesets, see if that has anything useful for you! I know what you’re getting at but I personally don’t know how to link a tile to something functional. I am sure it would be included in a longer tutorial for Paper2D but finding one specifically for that was proving difficult.

disclaimer: this link is not affiliated with Unreal Engine, Epic Games, or their partners.

Hope this helps! :slight_smile:

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It did not help me in my case, but it was still very interisting. So thank you.

I think, I will just put collisionboxes manual on the placed tilemaps, until I find out, how to do this on a Tileset.

I found an answer. It is very possible, but for some reason, no one ever explains this.

Here is the link, if someone ever stumbles over my question and wants to know that to:

This person had the exact same problem but found a way and documented it for everyone.

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