Unreal Engine 5.1 Vs 5.0 how can i fix the controls for stamina

According to the training video I watched, I make the Stamina connection to my character, but the person making the video has version 5.0. I am using version 5.1 and I can’t make the connection. My character’s stamina is problematic. How do I make this connection, how does the stamina process work correctly?

Hi Koreliko,

Starting in 5.1 ‘Enhanced Input’ is the new input system that is on by default. (So that is why you’re seeing different input nodes.)

In your screen shot I’m noticing that nothing is connected to the input of your ‘Branch’ node… If you connect that final ‘Add Movement Input’ node to the Branch, does it work?

Incase you don’t know, you can put a ‘print string’ node between two blueprints to check if they are executing, and to check what the current variable values are.

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