Unreal Engine 5.1.1 update Crash

Hey, I started having the same crash while trying to open my main level after updating Unreal to 5.1.1.

Changing the anti-aliasing method fixed the crash, thanks @lucoiso

However, I didn’t quite understand why exactly is it happening, or if there was anything in particular triggering Assertion failed: Resource->bProduced || Resource->bExternal || Resource->bQueuedForUpload [File:D:\build\++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\RenderCore\Private\RenderGraphValidation.cpp] [Line: 382] Unable to queue the extraction of the resource TSR.History.ColorArray because it has not been produced by any pass.

The same crash happens if I try to change the AA back to TSR on the project settings after successfully opening the scene with any other method.

Want to go a bit deeper on this because my project was done with TSR use in mind, and I much rather understand why the issue is happening and fix it (if possible, of course) than change the AA method until the fix comes from Epic’s side.

Interestingly enough, I’ve been using TSR on 5.1.1 in similar kinds of projects and this error only happened in one, so I have no clues on what can be causing it. Maybe a particular mesh or material?

Just talked to the Ultra Dynamic Sky Dev.
If you are using the plugin update it to last version.

“This is a crash which will only happen with an old version of UDS which was applying a cvar which 5.1.1 broke. It was fixed in an update in December. You should just need to update the UDS asset files to the current version (7.6B)”

Thanks Lord_Pol! This fixed it for me.

For me happen this

Assertion failed: IsValid(Platform) [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\RHI\Public\RHIDefinitions.h] [Line: 516]

Fatal error: [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\ShaderCompiler\ShaderCompiler.cpp] [Line: 1227] ShaderCompileWorker crashed! Fatal error!

hello guys, today I installed 5.1.1 and got such an error and I can’t go into any of my projects and even create a new one.

I updated the video card driver, installed Visual Studio 2019, nothing helped

also have got the seme issue

Did someone find the solution?
I made only one thing, I installed ue5.0.3 took the shadercompileworker.exe file and replaced it into the 5.1.1 folder, so when you strat the UE at first it gaves a lot of errors but then works well )) I know this solution is not correct but it works for me and I can work on my projects again. And when you opening the project next time it goes without any errors.
I hope this can help you all ))
Sure we need to wait for a good UE 5.1.1. update…

Hello, I have this problem too, does anyone have a solution for this problem?


I tried to open some of my projects in 5.1.1 and one of them gave me that dlss error. Could you solve it?


Here are the steps that worked for me.

  1. Updated my Nvidia Geforce drivers to latest

  2. Update Ultra Dynamic Sky in my Vault

  3. After Ultra Dynamic Sky is updated, click ADD TO PROJECT and pick your project

  4. When warning prompt appears that says FILES ALREADY EXIST, DO YOU WANT TO REPLACE? click YES

  5. Boom

Same problem


Assertion failed: (Index >= 0) & (Index < ArrayNum) [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Containers\Array.h] [Line: 763] Array index out of bounds: 1090519039 from an array of size 242


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