Unreal Engine 5.1.1 Not writing to IOS Apple Game Center Leaderboards anymore. It used to in our previous 4.27 version

Unreal Engine 5.1.1 Not writing to IOS Apple Game Center Leaderboards anymore. It used to in our previous 4.27 version but not anymore.

  1. create blank project
  2. I project settings enable game center
  3. setup leaderboards in apple’s Game Center and submit it to go live, once live go back to unreal engine 5.1.1. Im attaching screenshot to show my apple Game Center setup to confirm that both my leaderboards are live, however inline with this example im using the leaderboard with the ID of highcoins.

  1. Setup blueprint to login user to apple Game Center, make sure you fire the login to apple Game Center before you try to write to leaderboards or read from leaderboards. l setup blueprint to write to leaderboard (see screenshot that is attached)

  1. package game (with all the nessisary certificates and profiles from apple, the usual stuff) and upload to transporter.
  2. download game via test flight, or make go live ( I tried both)
  3. open game can run bp to write to leaderboard and then read from leaderboard afterwards.
  4. leaderboard does not write to IOS Apple Game Center, values still show 0. It looks like something happens when I press the button to submit score to leaderboard as there is a second or half a second lag like its sending information, however when I read from leaderboard there are no values logged in the apple Game Center. I also checked in apple Game Center portal and it does not show that any player scores are recorded.

we even made blueprint force a store value as in the screenshot below, still no luck.

Any questions or if anyone was able to get this setup successfully or if you have a workaround please give me a holler, and thanks in advance for your time :slight_smile:


I have the same. Haven’t found a fix?

Hi @ParNishka18 what version of unreal engine did you have. Im just now revisiting this, and since 5.2.1 is out I’m working if this has been resolved yet? Anyone know the answer? Unreal has not even logged this as a bug and I’ve opened up a few bug tickets on this. @unrealengine_us

i tried all versions of ue5 except 5.3 and none of them worked

Anyone able to move past this? Did you get Leaderboards Working for iOS?

As of iOS15, Apple requires a new entitlement key to enable GameCenter. You’ll need to apply this UE5 github patch to enable that (or add it directly to your entitlements file):


The key itself is:


Mobile Platform (Apple)

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Hey Adam Thanks for replying.

I grabbed the code from the GitHub link and added the 9 lines to my IOSexports.cs file. Set my write leaderboard integer node to write a value as soon as my main menu opens and still not seeing any values being written to the Game Center.

All my ID’s are correct and all my achievements work. Any further guidance on what I might be doing wrong or missing would be appreciated. TY

I had also tried to just add the key to the entitlements file but I couldn’t get the build to complete successfully. Error about modification to the entitlements file.???

Hi, has anyone found a solution for this issue, I am not able to save any score to the leaderboard. The only thing that is working is displaying it.

It is amazing how much time we lose on those issues!

Where should com.apple.developer.game-center key be added? I did it in Xcode project to info plist …

As an info the leaderboard on google play works

Hi Adam,

Are there any other ways to resolve this issue in 5.2.1?

Any luck solving this? I’m trying to fix the issue now and can’t. I have the same issue where the achievements work, but I’m unable to write to the leader board.

Still looking for an answer to this

I found a solution to this. The problem (at least, for me), is that the entitlements need be referenced by XCode’s CODE_SIGN_ENTITLEMENTS environment setting.


If you generate an XCode project, go to the build settings and add a Capability, it generates a .entitlements file with the appropriate perms and adds the CODE_SIGN_ENTITLEMENTS setting to the xcconfig.

Of course, this isn’t really a practical workaround as it means every IOS build requires a manual step.


  1. Create a .entitlements file in your project (I put it in /Source/[projectName]).

  2. Open DefaultEngine.ini in a text editor.

  3. Find the section [/Script/MacTargetPlatform.XcodeProjectSettings]

  4. Add the setting, “PremadeIOSEntitlements=/Game/Path/To/File.entitlements”.

    In my case, it looks like:


NOTE: /Game/, in this case, is a macro for the project name. This might be a familiar convention to some but it threw for me a loop.

Further Thoughts

I’m not sure if this is the right solution. It’s what I came up with by discovering the CODE_SIGN_ENTITLEMENTS setting and then working backward through the UBT source to figure things out. Which feels “too hard” for what seems like it ought to be a common UE5-on-IOS feature.

Also, it might be that HealthKit is unique in that it requires this. Otherwise, I don’t see how the ini exposed Game Center support would ever work. Even if you check that box, it doesn’t add the CODE_SIGN_ENTITLEMENT reference.