The folder of UE_5 (UE 5.02) is 114~115 gb. The installation has been done from Epic launcher’s whith no option checked (I checked several times and scrolled over the whole panel of options so there is really no hidden option that I mistakenly left checked).
No plugins installed except Quixel which is installed by default.
Plugins folder is 56 gb (GB are shared between a lot of different folders inside the plugins folder, and not one taking all the space), binaries and intermediate 10+ GB each IIRC.
for reference, other ppl having the same issue:
I don’t have the pics of the sizes but I’ll post them as soon as I have them
The launcher might have been fixed but for anyone still having this issue, editing the options by checking a random item should make the size back to normal. I read someone that fixed the issue by doing that, checking random checkboxes and it eventually got fixed.
You can then uncheck and remove the item back and size s\should be back to normal
For the record, here are the pictures with the faulting engine size:
Hai, i was having the same issue in 5.1.1 you don’t have to install any plugins just click the drop-down arrow button in the installed engine version and click on verify it will definitely fix the issue
This baffled me for a while but it’s mostly to do with the Cluster Size (Allocation Unit Size) that your drive is set to. Files on a disk are stored in clusters, which are fixed-sized blocks. If a file is smaller than a cluster, it still occupies an entire cluster. For example, if your disk uses 64KB clusters and you store a file that is only 1KB, the file will still take up 64KB on disk. Unreal Engine includes many small files in its installation, causing the “Size on disk” to inflate significantly compared to the “Size.” that you can look at in file explorer by looking at the properties of the directory it’s installed to.