Unreal Engine 5.0 Preview

UnrealBuildTool : error : Could not find definition for module ‘GeometricObjects’, (referenced via Target → InstanceLevelCollision.Build.cs)
Where is the GeometricObjects module?

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The Path Tracer seems to be also completely broken in UE5 P2. It uses nanite proxies instead of the actual nanite meshes:

This seems to be a regression from Preview 1 where this did not happen.

Is anyone else having issues with comment box resizing? Specifically when I grab the corner and drag to resize, the mouse cursor moves beyond the expanding comment box. As in the cursor moves well ahead of the grabbed edge while the grabbed edge never makes it out to where the mouse cursor is. This sounds very similar to the following bug report from 2017 Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-51018).

This certainly wasn’t a thing in EA but I can’t speak for Preview 1. As a test I brought up a project in 4.27.2 and the comment boxes resize as they should by following the mouse cursor precisely.

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UE 5 Preview 2. - still going noise while PLAY using UE 5 Editor not like before UE 5 Early Release version.

I am getting all sorts of stability issues.
Mainly, RHI set to DirectX 12 crashes some projects.
There is a bug with sequencer or Movie Render Queue where whatever I do MRQ assumes my shot as “no shot”. Then it either renders out 1 MOV file for each fram as if it were exr or png sequence (doesn’t work) or just hangs and crashes.
This happens on multiple machines ranging from a 2080 to a 3090

I recently experienced possible OneFilePerActor issue which I discovered accidently by using TWeakObjectPtr together with UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere).

  • Have C++ component with array of structs containg this property
  • Have one file per actor / external actor enabled
  • Configure editor to start last opened map in Editor Preferences
  • Place actor BPs with this component into level and set the property to reference some other actor in the level.

This will lead to reference being null on next level load when editor starts up. I am not entirely sure which steps are necessary and it can be easily workarounded by not using TWeakObjectPtr which is probably intended way of doing UPROPERTies anyway.

I can confirm this. I also noticed problems with now the path tracer interprets normal maps in both P1 and P2 (Path Tracer ignores normal map?). Have you experienced this as well?

I hope these issues are adressed soon, as otherwise the path tracer can not really be used productively.

Did anyone succeed packaging UE5p2 project for Quest 2 (Android Vulkan 64bit; project was converted to UE5p2 from UE 4.27.2; Derived Data Cache / Saved / Intermediate folders were deleted before loading the project into UE5) ?

I keep getting the following error regardless of SDK/NDK/JDK/Gradle combination:

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.codehaus.groovy.vmplugin.v7.Java7

Had no issues packaging with any of the previous UE4 releases.


Just wondering here, why TObjectPtr<> instead of raw pointers, it seems it will accelerate load times, just curiosity tho’ not against it

Well, AFAIK weak pointers aren’t supported by reflection and only raw pointers should be exposed to it (so editor and blueprints). I’m surprised that even works, editor displays TWeakObjectPtr now? Whoa…

Yes, I agree. I found out only accidently. IIrc, it worked even in UE4 because there were some people using it but I consider it a misuse.

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Anyone having issues with Directional Lights? After migrating my project, there’s this crazy bright spot behind where the directional light is pointing that’s super bright and washed out. Didn’t happen in 4.xx

gpu lightmass in ue5 preview 2… not a single light contributes direct light to the lightmap… only bounce lighting. Very odd. Emissive materials work fine… bounce lighting from point lights seems present but the direct intiial light form the point lights is non existant.

I turned on IOStore option in package setting.
uncheck IOStore option and patch works.

AFAIK You need to be able to have distance fields run on anything that shows up in LUMEN right now, hardware RT or not. Missing procedural meshes for LUMEN are a major concern of mine, and worse I’ve not seen any mention of them even being considered for future updates. They’re at least as much of a timesaver as Nanite or Lumen, if not moreso under the right circumstances. It’s really concerning.


This is a heads up to anyone with massive space levels (non-tiled). After conversion, we experienced many issues with our levels. These were LOD, scaling, and math aborts when running in debug mode from the IDE. We found that by ticking Settings->World Settings-> World->Advanced->Enable Large Worlds, all the problems went away. Now our levels are running exactly as they ran in 4.26.2 (but with rebasing disabled).


Level Instances are still broken. Collision meshes all move to the origin of the instance.

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Is there a console variable to cleanup/ increase samples Lumen final gather gi in a reflection?

I saw something for translucency but not reflection. This is a screenshot MRQ render with pretty high aa settings.

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Prewiev 2 runs more stable than the other 5 versions. I work mostly for architectural visualization and I want to make 2 points. First of all, although for some reason I’m using nanite, I get 30-40fps in scenes where I got 60-80fps in previous versions. The second one actually works semi-transparent, but it’s like the windows are shining and as far as I understand it’s related to Skylight, I guess it’s usually blue tones. If these two situations are corrected, it will reach an incredible level. Let me add a few notes. Even though Lumen reflection works with RTX in reflections, I can’t get a smooth reflection. When RTX shadows are activated, shadow breaks are experienced on nanite objects. And lastly, although the Lumen GI is much better, there are still minor shadow movements.

Be very careful with large concave areas, lumen doesn’t like concave areas like that being one mesh. If you can, try have the slopes, corners, and inner ceilings being separate meshes.