Assertion failed: false [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Plugins\Experimental\NNI\Source\Private\ThirdPartyHelperAndDLLLoader\Private\ORTExceptionHandler.cpp] [Line: 16] ONNXRuntime threw an exception with code 6, e.what(): "Exception during initialization: D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Plugins\Experimental\NNI\Source\ThirdParty\ORT\Private\Windows\core\providers\dml\DmlExecutionProvider\src\FusedGraphKernel.cpp(140)\UnrealEditor-ONNXRuntime.dll!00007FFDDE425C77: (caller: 00007FFDDE3AE94A) Exception(1) tid(27b4) 887A0005 The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action. ".
The fragmet “The GPU device instance has been suspended” seems to point to the problem. Could it be a matter of power saving causing problems with finding the GPU. If it’s a laptop it might switch to onboard graphics instead of discrete.
If you are on windows then try setting the power plan to high performance to prevent any changes to the GPU while running the project.
I have the exact same issue. I have an 8GB Radeon 6600 and wondered if the memory is too low, but then again you need to start getting into the extreme high end for 16gb plus, so I dunno…
After trying a few different things I run UE5 with DirectX 11 and I was able to resolve the problem. Don’t yet understand what the issue is precisely though…
Hola, yo tuve un problema similar, y era que cuando activo el: track active frame. No pasaba nada podría estar horas y no pasaba nada, no aparece la máscara verde y me mandaba mensajes de V-Ram llena. Yo tengo una intel Arc a750 de 8g V-Ram. Después de probar varias cosas, intenté probar con los gráficos internos de mi procesador intel core i9-13900k. Desactivando mi intel Arc y solo usando los del procesador. Y funcionó, y eso que ni siquiera tiene V-ram dedicada. Aparente mente las tarjetas amd y intel, no son muy compatibles con metahuman quizás comparadas con las de nvidia. No se si todas las de intel y AMD, pero mi intel arc a750 no funciona para metahumans. Podría ser su caso que su tarjeta de video no funcione con metahumans.