I’m running a 2020 M1 MacBook Pro, with 8 GB ram. UE5 had been working pretty smoothly until yesterday. When I try to open Unreal, the app icon appears in the dock for a second, like it’s starting, then stops and Unreal does not launch. I don’t get any error code or anything, it just doesn’t open. I’ve tried updating and verifying the installation through the Epic Games Launcher, but still having the same issue.
Have you rebooted?
Yes, several times. I may just need to reinstall UE5 but I’d rather not if the issue will reoccur, and it takes a while to download UE anyways.
Hi @jfriesen17011! Welcome to the Forums!
What version of macOS are you using? I see you have a 2020 MacBook, are you using MacOS 12 Monterey?
I’m running Monterey, yes. 12.3.1, to be exact! I’m guessing this is a Mac compatibility issue except that Unreal was functioning normally until yesterday, and I haven’t changed anything on my system.
Good to hear @jfriesen17011.
So before you completely uninstall and reinstall UE5, have you tried verifying your UE5 files? You would go to your UE5 install in the launcher and select verify from the dropdown menu.
Hopefully, this helps correct your current issue.
I did verify it, and everything was fine. I think I have fixed it now, though! Right before the issue, I had tried to go into plugins to set the web browser to be enabled by default. After that, nothing was working. I removed the web browser folder from UE files and now it starts up fine. But, every project I try to open, even creating a new project, crashes.
Update: I removed the web browser plugin files, then re-verified the installation. It made new web browser files and now everything is working! So I guess moral of the story is I shouldn’t mess with files I don’t understand
Interesting. I didn’t mess with any files and I am having the exact same problem today. Hopefully this “verifying” business helps.
Huh. “Verify” did not solve the problem. But opening up Unreal Editor directly and then loading the project did work. Seems that somehow my system had defaulted to opening UE Project files with something called “UE4EditorServices”.
Same issue. 5.0.1 worked then updated to 5.0.2 and it’s not working just like others are saying in this thread. I can start a new file but when I create new assets, import ANY assets from my other projects or turn on plugins I can’t open the project again, it just crashes and most of the time it crashes without the crash report.
I would just reinstall. If it’s still having the issue then make a support ticket!
Yep. After a few reboots, verification attempts and sanity checks I reinstalled. Back to normal!