I have just subscribed for UE4 so I can check the source code. I too, want to make a small game engine for making my 2d games. Although I have managed to create a small library that uses DirectX 9, my confusion is on the editor side. I have used C# / .NET tools (i.e. buttons, property grid, etc.). BUT the look and feel of it is kind of cheap and some parts are not easy to use. although I believe I can customize those tools by subclassing them, may I ask what did UE4 used for their generic UIs (i.e. Buttons, TextBoxes, Property Grids, etc). I believe it is already in the source code I have downloaded but, for me, the solution/projects are (too) BIG to check what I’m looking for. Well, I’m hoping someone who managed to tackle it before or someone here that is part for the team who made UE4, could help me find what I’m looking for. Some of you might say that I should use what I already know or something like that. I just want to know what did UE4 use and why. tnx.
Hi, there are a couple of tutorials on “Slate”, which is used for example in the Strategy- and in the ShooterGame.
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