I have this problem when i’m trying to make glass cabinets. When i look around parts of the glass seems to disappear? I figured this is mainly a technical issue where i have to change engine settings. Anyone had this problem or knows what this is?
I made a video to it more clear:
That’s not that your glass is disappearing it’s that it’s a limitation of Screen Space Reflections (SSR). Only what is visible on the screen can be used for the reflection. As you move closer there is less that can be reflected on that surface because there is no information to be passed.
Create post processing volume, place it in room and turn off Space Screen Reflections.
Also, you can use sphere/cube reflection capture actor for reflections, but it is not as accurate as SSR
I can’t seem to find SSR settings in my post process volume, i tried using sphere reflection cubes but they show no difference.
Also i can’t even find 1 setting relating to SSR in the engine, where do i look?
It is in post process volume, 3rd tab from the end. Just use search in PostProcessVolume tab to find it quicker. Type in Screen and it will show you settings
The search option! I never even thought of that. Turns out it doesn’t make a difference at all. I can clearly see that when i stand in the volume that the reflections have turned off when i look at the windows (the green glass blinds) or the kitchen counter. But the problem on the glass cabinets still persists.
From this i conclude that it is not an issue regarding Screen Space Reflections?
Here is a screenshot of my material setup, in case i made a mistake here.
Well I had this suspicion that it had to do with the refraction of the material. So after studying refraction a bit more, I came up with a new material setup. The problem is solved completely!