When I run unreal engine launcher, this message continuously occurs.
'The following process has crashed: UE4-EpicGamesLauncher
we are very sorry that this crash occurred. (…) ’
I want to solve this problem. My computer is window 7 and unreal engine version is 4.6.1
Please help me.
Hi Moondance. Sorry about that, could you up the following folder and attach please?
thanks for your reply.
I found that route. There is a only text file in that logs folder. You mean that text??
I attached the text file. I look forward to your reply.link text
I’m afraid that doesn’t look like an EpicGamesLauncher log. Could you double check you went to the right path? Perhaps attempt running the launcher a few more times too first.
You should see a list of files named like “EpicGamesLauncher.log” and also a few like “EpicGamesLauncher-backup-2015.08.10-****.log”
If not then perhaps a screenshot of the crash window that you see might help
I will try it and if I have problem, I’ll tell you. Thank you.
I attached file. Is it right?? I expect your reply. Thank you.
Thank you Moondance!
It appears as though you have been effected by a bug where incorrect data goes to the vault’s data cache. I can see that a “UE_4.7” folder is probably in there but it shouldn’t be. I believe removing it should stop your Launcher from crashing.
You will see that folder here:-
C:\Program Files\Epic Games\Launcher\VaultCache\
It runs well !!
Thank you so much!!
I have exactly this problem occurred. I had tried all solutions which you shown up. But nothing done. But in the last answer, there was a path like:"C:\Program Files\Epic Games\Launcher\VaultCache". I have Launcher folder but there weren’t any folder named ‘VaultCache’. Please help me about this problem. And sorry for my language.
Hi Rawal Shivam,
I’m sorry that you are having an issue with the Epic Games Launcher. In order for us to offer the best support, we have recently modified the process for how Epic Games can help troubleshoot your Launcher issue. Please visit http://help.epicgames.com/ for technical support, here you can find information and solutions for common issues, as well as a contact form if you still need additional assistance. Thanks!
I have founded it’s solution. It was occurring because of my bandwidth. My bandwidth is too less to download that launcher. I had a broadband (Reliance) plan with 512kbps link speed and download speed was only 50-60kpbs so…
But now it working nicely.
Thank you.