Unreal Engine 4 is installing very slow


For an hour and a half the installation moves very slowly.
An hour ago the download percentage was 4% and now at 17%…
My net speed is 92.8 / Mbps but on Epic Games Launcher it is 4-5 / Mbps.
At the moment the download is 1.86GB of 11.0GB (20%)
The installation process stops every 5 second I don’t know how to solve it.

What should I do ?

Thank you in advance!

Is it safe to assume you’re not using an older laptop with a 5400rpm drive and 4GB of RAM?

Epic server be kaput as everyone and their mother are downloading UE4 for the new school year…


Besides, the installation takes time even on a beefy rig.

have same issue with ssd on mac

with ssd same problem