Unreal Engine 4 is available for Win10 UWP app dev now

@Zelex, which image errors specifically were you getting? The ‘empty or invalid value’ one?

On the whole incorrectly sized images don’t produce errors during build. Build errors tend to come instead from bad pathing to the images. If you are getting the ‘empty or invalid value’ I’d suggest looking at the generated AppxManifest.xml (either in Saved/StagedBuilds/UWP or Binaries/UWPxx depending on whether you’re building in-editor or from VS) and seeing whether there’s anything obviously wrong with the elements/attributes called out in the error messages.

12> Empty or invalid value provided for required attribute Square150x150Logo on partially specified element Package.Applications.Application[0].uap:VisualElements
12> Empty or invalid value provided for required attribute Square44x44Logo on partially specified element Package.Applications.Application[0].uap:VisualElements
12> Empty or invalid value provided for required attribute Image on partially specified element Package.Applications.Application[0].uap:VisualElements.uap:SplashScreen

<uap:VisualElements DisplayName=“ms-resource:ProjectName” Description=“ms-resource:Description” BackgroundColor="#000000" Square150x150Logo=“Resources\Logo.png” Square44x44Logo=“Resources\SmallLogo.png”>
<uap:SplashScreen BackgroundColor="#000000" Image=“Resources\SplashScreen.png” />

Looks ok to me?

Yep, those look as expected, which suggests the problem is with getting the image files to the proper staging location, not with the manifest generation. Do you have a Resources folder (containing those png files) sitting alongside your appxmanifest.xml?

yup, sure do

Well, this is a new one, and right now I’m stumped. I’m guessing that the build runs on to generate “MakePri: error 0x80080204: Appx manifest not found or is invalid.” and then terminates shortly after? Returning to focus on the xml content itself and the validation process: can you see anything at all in the xml file that would be throwing off the parsing (sneaky unrenderable characters etc.)? Also, do you know what version of the Win10 SDK you have installed (since that’s where the schema comes from)?

Yup, thats right.

12>MakePri : error 0x80080204: Appx manifest not found or is invalid. Please ensure well-formed manifest file is present. Or specify an index name with /in switch.

Here is a link to the binaries dir. Dropbox - Error

I’ll see if I can trim out the proprietary stuff so I can get you a full project if you think that would help?

Oh and I’m using 10.0.10586.0

Ok, so. this may be an issue?

This is at the top of the schema

<Package xmlns=“http://schemas.microsoft.com/appx/manifest/foundation/windows10” xmlns:uap=“http://schemas.microsoft.com/appx/manifest/uap/windows10” xmlns:mp=“http://schemas.microsoft.com/appx/2014/phone/manifest”>


is a broken link now

To confirm: when you get this error you’re attempting to build/run in Visual Studio, not in the Unreal Editor?

Meanwhile I remain perplexed. The AppxManifest.xml file you provided validates for me in VS using the same schema set that UnrealBuildTool applies Specifically for the 10586 SDK these are:
Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.10586.0\winrt\UapManifestSchema.xsd
Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.10586.0\winrt\FoundationManifestSchema.xsd
Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.10586.0\winrt\AppxManifestTypes.xsd
Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.10586.0\winrt\AppxManifestSchema2010_v2.xsd
Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.10586.0\winrt\AppxManifestSchema2013.xsd
Windows Kits\10\Extension SDKs\WindowsMobile\10.0.10586.0\Include\WinRT\AppxPhoneManifestSchema2014.xsd

Additionally I’ve confirmed that I’m able to manually run makepri against that file + a Resources directory and get valid output. I do see that your folder contains a resources.pri, which suggests that makepri succeeded at some point. Any idea what might have changed?

No I have no idea. I noticed that it created a pri file as well, but from the log it clearly doesn’t work for some reason.

Yes, this is when I build from VS, though launching from the editor does the same. Building a package however fails for some kind of signing nonsense, but that is going to be my next thread once I resolve this one! lol :slight_smile:

Its a shame I can’t just run the executable. Then I can avoid all this stuff and get back to programming!

Actually, let me revise the above post. Launching from the editor gives me this error

Thanks, that’s super helpful.

Your VS build output shows an attempt to deploy two different projects, UE4_UWP (which succeeds) and UE4Game (which fails). When you hit Build Solution for a UWP platform there’s no filtering of game projects for whether or not they’ve configured UWP support. So if you’re not interested in running UE4Game on UWP you can ignore its errors, or else limit the scope of your build to the project you care about rather than building the entire sln.

Your editor problem is different. You ought to be able to work around it by providing a non-empty Description string for your project (in the Project Settings->Description page).

ahha! Thanks! will check that out!

ok, so that works when I launch from the editor now :slight_smile: which is fantastic!

When I debug from VS though it now runs the game, but crashes almost immediately with no symbols. Log says:

To run from VS you need to get content files into a location where the temporary deployment can read them. This can’t be the standard UE directories since the UWP sandbox prevents access. Typically this means running an editor build to do cook-on-the-fly, and then pointing the UWP app at it to stream the content. To do so, you need to set some ‘command line’ parameters, which for UWP means dropping a UE4CommandLine.txt in your Binaries/UWPxx folder (this should automatically get copied into Binaries/UWPxx/AppX during deployment). You can borrow the UE4CommandLine.txt file that automation creates for you when running from the editor with cook-on-the-fly (it’s in Saved/StagedBuilds/UWP), though it contains more than you need. The important portion is

You can also borrow the instance of the cook server that the editor spins up in order to provide the content.

Alternatively you can pre-cook everything offline and then manually copy your cooked content into the Binaries/UWPxx/AppX location.

All this is a good reminder that we still need a FAQ posted to GitHub.

ok, gotcha. How do I get the PDBs to load properly?

They’re in the Binaries/UWPxx folder. If you hit Load Symbols and point the dialog at that path they should resolve. Should be a one-time thing; after that VS will remember the path for you.

Ok, so PDB loading is good now (thx!)

The -filehostip method doesn’t appear to be working?

I made a whole new blank project, set it up, works 100% when launching from the editor, I run the cook server, Press F5 from the debugger, game connects to the cook server and streams some stuff, then a totally black screen.

Link to project: Dropbox - Error

Are you sure it’s connecting? AFAIK UWP apps cannot access localhost by default, you need to setup an exception for specific apps: Using network loopback in side-loaded Windows Store apps - Windows app development | Microsoft Docs