I’m enthusiastic that at least VS2015 and DX12 are experimental and can be enabled. I don’t need to code (yet), but I do need to build engine for MMORPG kit. Quick question about new “ArchViz” Player controller… if using controller in a VR environment, how well does that work?
I didn’t see a note about Oculus SDK being updated to 0.7; is this in or did it not make cutoff?
Hopefully, with 4.10 we’ll see Oculus SDK 1.0, official Win10 support, official DX12 support, and official VS2015 support. Oh, and a VR camera controller please, as that has been backlogged for quite some time now
There is no mention of Spline Component updates. Particularly no mention of fact you cannot edit Spline Points if you create Spline Component and Points in C++ for use in construction script. Once created points turn pink and cannot be selected.
This is a pretty crazy problem for my project which needs to stay up to date for marketplace. I have discussed with others who say this is detrimental to certain procedural generation techniques too.
Hey Doublezer0,
I’ve moved post you linked into Bug Reports section of AnswerHub, and assigned it to a member of our staff. If they need any further information, they’ll post there. Keep in mind for future that if you’re reporting a bug, Bug Reports section is place to put it to ensure we see it. Thanks!
It says to use VS 2015, I specify -2015 to command line. thing is, I don’t know what tool to use? I downloaded UE through launcher. There’s no right click option, no obvious way to configure project generation to use VS2015…
[= Ellis;368551]
I haven’t encountered a problem using scroll wheel in 4.9. Can you please log a Bug Report on AnswerHub with additional information and repro steps?
LOL… I’m pretty sure he was just being funny, meaning his scroll wheel is broken from reading release notes.
Modulated shadow via stationaryLight VS Dynamic shadow via movableLight,which is cheaper on mobile and by how much?
EDIT:After I build lighting and package for to iphone6 plus, modulated shadow on looks dirty with low resolution and my movable actors looks flickering even if I increase landscape lighting resolution,also,I have found that, fps has been cut down due to this modulated shadow… dynamic shadow with movable light have a much higher fps…So strange…
And now I cannot PIE in ES2(feature level),if I play in editor and press exit or escape key, editor crashes immediately…
New: Supported added for ES3.1 builds. These can be built at same time as ES2.0 builds of an application…
What does this mean?Can I directly build ES3.1 without compiling github version?Thanks!