Unreal Engine 4.6 Released!

Hi RaidX,

Check your scalability settings to make sure they didn’t auto-change on converting.

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Hi RaidX,

Check your scalability settings to make sure they didn’t auto-change on converting.

Yeah that was it… it changed for some reason… one is fixxed now but I have other issues

I created a simple blueprint of a capsule spinning and when pawn overlaps it and scale vector is at 1.0, the pawn scale down to 25%. Used to work great in 4.4 but now under 4.6 nothings happen… so I did a little check on the blueprint (simply did a event tick if variable = x1 y1 z1 then string text true or false… even if my scale variable is default to 1 everywhere, it return a false (even if OnOverlapping link has been break… only thing I have is the Even tick)

So I tried to create a new blueprint to see where the bug came from and when I am at the part where I want to copy the Timeline from the old blueprint to the new one… engine crash each time

I was able to recreate the blueprint without pasting anything from the old one tho

Anyone have a guess? I will paste the blueprint I have right down there

return me a false (make no sense)

And copy paste crash the Engine everytime

Should I just start over?

Finally… copying any Timeline from a blueprint created in 4.4 to a blueprint created in 4.6 crash the engine

Anyone have a guess? I will paste the blueprint I have right down there

return me a false (make no sense)

Hey RaidX,

Judging by the image you posted, I think the “Scale Full” variable in the graph is actually the “ScaleFull” variable instead of “Scale_Full” (you have 2 of them). The editor will add a space between the word Scale and Full for both of those names by default, so it’s likely it is the wrong variable.

is the one I mean, check it’s value:

For the Timeline, I would try and re-create it in your new project instead of pasting it, it should work copy/paste as well, but try that as a workaround.


I knew I was going to confuse people with the other variable… but I created it just to see if using a new one without the underscore would change something but the result was the same. So even If I delete the second variable it still come back as a false