Unreal Engine 4.6 Released!

Regarding BP Vars having to be declared public to be accessible now:

Is there any reason for change? Because it is a pretty bad change.

We have had it happen before that people start editing stuff they are not suppose to, because it is not clear what they should and should not change. And that was a problem already with C++ based classes, but now that BP enforces you to do the same thing problem just got worse.

Speaking of which, what we also don’t have is the ability to make grayed out properties in BP, and information boxes. I want to be able to display info (text/values) in the properties to the end user. For example if I have a text field, I want to be able to display somewhere “text field length is currently 65 characters” to ensure there is feedback to the end user as to how he is doing char limit wise (or for whatever other reason).

I also would like to know the logic behind change, it requires extra user understanding and means everything gets exposed to the instanced F4 menu (Details)

It makes things more complicated for new users, less convenient for existing users, and I still dont know what it accomplishes as a distinct change that was not in place or working priorly.

[= Audy;189127]
It sounds like you are using the wrong settings when specifying your UPROPERTY.

UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite …) is going to let anyone access property anywhere.

But you can specify EditDefaultsOnly and then it can only be modified in the blueprint defaults and there are a number of different permutations. Seedocs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Programming/UnrealArchitecture/Reference/Properties/Specifiers/index.html for more degtails.

In regards to , I was not even made aware of until just now. For anyone else experiencing , you simply use EditDefaultsOnly in c++ as mentions.

However, only works for C++!

Seconded. Just because I want something to be accessible from other blueprints doesn’t mean I want it to be accessible to the level designer or cluttering up my actor properties. Why’d someone think was a good idea?

The of all BP vars becoming public everywhere still needs to be addressed as there does not seem to be an EditDefaultsOnly option for BP programmers.

**Visible Anywhere**

 also mentioned wanting a VisibleAnywhere option exposed to BP, which would be neat! Easy to do in C++, not possible in BP as far as I know

However I am still questioning the foundation of  change to requiring all cross-BP vars to be public, and until that is sorted out / flowing well for  adding in visible anywhere and edit defaults only... well that might actually be what's need, to just give people all the options

Have fun today!

Pero no tiene el soporte a HTML5 sin el source :frowning:

Just a quick question - can I enable the static lighting from emissive channel for meshes that are generated by a blueprint? would be extremely handy!

Seconded. Just because I want something to be accessible from other blueprints doesn’t mean I want it to be accessible to the level designer or cluttering up my actor properties. Why’d someone think was a good idea?

As a quick-fix, why not preface the categories with “DO_NOT_EDIT_”?

Just a quick question - can I enable the static lighting from emissive channel for meshes that are generated by a blueprint?

Sure, the component has to have Mobility set to Static (which means it must be added in the construction script), and CastShadows enabled. Then modify the component’s default properties to have Lighting->LightmassSettings->UseEmissiveForStatic lighting to be enabled.

[=MC ;189954]

Yup, I’m suffering from the same …

Error 3 error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual class FText __cdecl FKeyEvent::ToText(void)const " (?ToText@FKeyEvent@@UEBA?AVFText@@XZ) D:\Unreal Engine 4\Projects\Prototype\Intermediate\ProjectFiles\JoystickDevice.cpp.obj Prototype


I was getting them for FKeyEvent, FInputEvent, and FAnalogInputEvent. I looked at the engine code and clearly if you look at Events.cpp, all of the ToText(…) overrides have been implemented and I noticed it doesn’t fail to compile on Debug, only on Release. If I get a , I’ll try to debug it further. Hope helps.

These linking errors are caused by the module not being included.

Open YourProject.Build.cs

// Uncomment if you are using Slate UI
// PrivateDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string] { "Slate", "SlateCore" });

Uncomment the PrivateDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(…) line as it suggests and you should be good to go.

[= Gagnon;190220]
These linking errors are caused by the module not being included.

Open YourProject.Build.cs

// Uncomment if you are using Slate UI
// PrivateDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string] { "Slate", "SlateCore" });

Uncomment the PrivateDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(…) line as it suggests and you should be good to go.

Great, that removed the need to suppress the warning and the additional functions. Will be pushing update throughout my plugins!

That said Slate should probably include SlateCore automatically unless there is a compelling reason to not to.

Would also be nice to get guidance on adding custom files in the packaging process for plugins so we can get Launching mode to work as well as automatic packaged/shipping support (vs manual file copying after packaging) for plugins with dependencies.

HTML5 is not working in 4.6 version

I’ve road and I’ve done all the steps of webpage
but even now whenever I want to build an HTML5 project the engine just redirects me to the same webpage. I don’t know what’s wrong! I tried to write the question here but cause I don’t have enough rep I can’t do it there.
is my account there
any answer or comment are welcome. or even if someone can come to me and say his version is working very well, It would be great. THANKS IN ADVANCE.

[= Gagnon;190220]
These linking errors are caused by the module not being included.

Open YourProject.Build.cs

// Uncomment if you are using Slate UI
// PrivateDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string] { "Slate", "SlateCore" });

Uncomment the PrivateDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(…) line as it suggests and you should be good to go.

Thanks ! As a heads up, it wasn’t commented out in my plugin since I started it around 4.0.1. I had to include it with my Joystick plugin build file within my project but good to go and now I’m able to compile in 4.6. :smiley: Much appreciated for the quick update.

[=Goerge Carlin;191236]
I’ve road and I’ve done all the steps of webpage
but even now whenever I want to build an HTML5 project the engine just redirects me to the same webpage. I don’t know what’s wrong! I tried to write the question here but cause I don’t have enough rep I can’t do it there.
is my account there
any answer or comment are welcome. or even if someone can come to me and say his version is working very well, It would be great. THANKS IN ADVANCE.

Have you got emscripten 1.25 installed?

PLEASE Fix Cascade Colour modules guys :frowning: I have no idea how or why change was made!


I would like to create a flight simulator in a couple of years and 20km x 20km seem small if you want to make a big map of thousand or hundreds of km. You wrote that we can make multiple world for one world or something like that… How does it work if you don’t want loading screen or low framerate?

thank you

cool a nice game guys


I would like to create a flight simulator in a couple of years and 20km x 20km seem small if you want to make a big map of thousand or hundreds of km. You wrote that we can make multiple world for one world or something like that… How does it work if you don’t want loading screen or low framerate?

thank you

Hi Nic,

You’ll want to take a look at our World Composition tool that allows you to tile and stream in different levels. will be your ideal way to handle for large open worlds.


As for Low FPS and loading screen will be dependent upon your optimizations using level streaming, LODs, and being able to profile any hitches that come up with your development. Feel free to ask questions about these in separate forums or AnswerHub post if you have any further questions.

Thank you!

Thank you very much


I had a quick question. Is there potential to have Frustum controls to be exposed for individual cameras? I need an orthographic camera with a 20 unit Far Clip Plane but the default camera has what seems to be an infinite Far Clip Plane and the inability to easily edit said Far Clip Plane.

Thank you for your time.

Blueprint variables now have to be marked public/editable to be accessible from other blueprints.

To give some background, with the new Blueprint menu system, we decided to respect a flag on variable properties named “DisableEditOnInstance”. At surface level, seems like a good change, right? If someone marks a variable with “DisableEditOnInstance”, it makes sense that they wouldn’t want people modifying that instance variable (even through Blueprints).

Is there any reason for change? Because it is a pretty bad change.

Some people were expecting that if you a property with “EditDefaultOnly”, then Blueprints shouldn’t be able to alter the instance’s variable (through setter nodes, etc.). We’ve since decided favoring workflow threw up too many hurdles for other users.

Seconded. Just because I want something to be accessible from other blueprints doesn’t mean I want it to be accessible to the level designer or cluttering up my actor properties.

We’ve taken action to resolve the mistake and reverted to the old functionality (where we don’t respect the “DisableEditOnInstance” flag at all). We made the change a little too late to get it into the first 4.6 hotfix, but it can be seen here on github: https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/commit/41d2c0cdee47512878f0d3fc4bed512123224bb0. We’re working to get it in to the following build.

Hope helps, and maybe gives you guys a little insight into our insanity. Sorry for the hiccup, but all will be right in the near future!


I cloned a lvl I did in 4.4 to 4.6.1 and now the gfx quality is alot worst than in 4.4… especially in particles. Now when I move around, particles emit alot stronger when I move then tone down when I stop moving, LOD seems to have changed too (like if everthing is now on the lowest quality lod. Did something obvious that I dont see changed?

How can I set gfx quality back to max?

Can it be the ambient occlusion that I use for the sun flare that is distorting my entire lvl? I am not sure where to look


I cloned a lvl I did in 4.4 to 4.6.1 and now the gfx quality is alot worst than in 4.4… especially in particles. Now when I move around, particles emit alot stronger when I move then tone down when I stop moving, LOD seems to have changed too (like if everthing is now on the lowest quality lod. Did something obvious that I dont see changed?

How can I set gfx quality back to max?

Can it be the ambient occlusion that I use for the sun flare that is distorting my entire lvl? I am not sure where to look

Click on the Settings button from the main toolbar then go to the Scalability Settings section and make sure you have it set to Epic. If it is set any lower you will notice a quality reduction. Hope that helps!

Click on the Settings button from the main toolbar then go to the Scalability Settings section and make sure you have it set to Epic. If it is set any lower you will notice a quality reduction. Hope that helps!

That was it… For some reason, gfx reverted back to medium. Thank you for your quick answer!! very Appreciated

Happy holiday