Hi, I’ve just installed Unreal engine 4.5.1 on my 2014 15’, I’ve been having problems on launching the application. Does Unreal Engine require a graphics card or is my Intel Iris Pro sufficient to support it? I would really hope to get some insight and tips on this matter.
I’ve tried reinstalling it but its still the same.
Macbook Specs: OS X Yosemite, 16GB Ram, 2.2 i7 Quad Core, Intel Iris Pro
Can you provide any more details about how it isn’t opening? It will help to also attach the Unreal engine logs that can be found through the Console.app in /Applications/Utilities - the logs should be under Files > Unreal Engine in the Console application’s sidebar. If the application is crashing and launching the crash report please also provide the crash log that is being displayed.
This information will help us identify what’s going wrong as it should work on your machine.
I hope these are the ones you mention
Dec 3 22:23:00 Christophers-MacBook-Pro.local amfid[148]: /Applications/Unreal Engine.app/Contents/UE4/Engine/Binaries/Mac/CrashReportClient.app/Contents/MacOS/CrashReportClient signature not valid: 0xfffefa31
Dec 3 22:23:00 Christophers-MacBook-Pro kernel[0]: proc 1421: load code signature error 4 for file “CrashReportClient”
Dec 3 22:23:08 Christophers-MacBook-Pro kernel[0]: proc 1424: load code signature error 4 for file “UE4EditorServices”
Dec 3 22:23:08 Christophers-MacBook-Pro.local amfid[148]: /Applications/Unreal Engine.app/Contents/UE4/Engine/Binaries/Mac/UE4EditorServices.app/Contents/MacOS/UE4EditorServices signature not valid: 0xfffefa31
That’s claiming that the code-signing signature for the crash reporter application is invalid which is highly unusual. Make sure that in > System Preferences > Security & Privacy > General > Allow apps downloaded from, that the Mac App Store and identified developers option is selected. Failing that could you try uninstalling 4.5.1 and installing 4.6 instead?