Unreal Engine 4.4 Preview Notes

[=MC ;109111]
Nice to see Blutilities start making an intro. This is going to be really helpful for people who want to create tools to speed up development. Hey , I do have a couple questions about a couple other features. I inquired a little while back about a bug that was pointed out very early on where EditInlineNew was disabled. Did this fix make it in?

Also, I was told a while back that GameInstance was pushed from 4.2 to 4.3/4.4. Is this also maybe going to make an appearance possibly in 4.4? Fingers crossed…

The last thing I wanted to ask was in the Clear Coat shading model, the flecks of metal that are being simulated in the image above, is this actual material going to be included into 4.4 to showcase the feature and possibly going to include the map(s) or math that goes into creating the metal flakes? Maybe some sort of Voronoi method…

Thanks for the update and looking forward to it!

RE: EditInlineNew bug, do you have an AnswerHub thread or TTP number? Otherwise I’d need more info about what the issue was to see if it’s been addressed or not.

I don’t know how finished GameInstance is right now, but I do see CL# 2220826:

GameInstance v1.0 - Provides a game extendable instance object which exists for the duration of the lifetime of a game instance (PIE session or standalone game). This object can be used to manage game state, own objects that should exist across worlds, and own data that wishes to persist across level transitions.
Replaces ShooterGameKing in ShooterGame.

There’s no simulation for the flecks, the metal flakes are just a texture map I think. I can’t find the material anywhere, but this note was included in the email announcing it:

(note the flecks were done in the material editor and are not part of the shading model)


RE: Clear coat image, here’s more info on it from :

it is just a blue color for BaseColor, Metallic 1 and that’s it
the fleck texture made the base color brighter and darker
oh and roughness 0.4
I don’t remember if ClearCoat defaults to 1 but if not than that as 1

The point of the clear coat shading model is that is just works



No updates for Paper2d?

No updates for Paper2d?

The preview release notes are an incomplete version of the full release notes (I haven’t done my BUNS yet for example ^_^).

There were a number of fixes and improvements for Paper2D in 4.4, like sprite dicing:

	Paper2D: Add support for dicing sprite render geometry, separating out translucent/masked quads from opaque ones (WIP)
	- Sprites now have an alternate material and the ability to have a second render section defined using that material (only used for diced geometry right now, with a convention that the alternate material is the opaque one in that case)
	- Adds a new ESpritePolygonMode::Diced value, valid only for render geometry (treated like SourceBoundingBox for collision)
	- Adds opportunistic triangle merging for both collision and render geometry when there are multiple source polygons


BUNS = Build Upgrade NoteS


Come on!!! Slow down, guys!!! kkkkkkk I just finished testing 4.3, and 4.4 is almost out now. kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Just kidding! Keep the ball rolling!

No updates for Paper2d?

I’ve pulled together a list of the Paper2D changes and improvements in 4.4 and posted them here: https://forums.unrealengine/showthread.php?3539-Project-Paper2D&p=109180&viewfull=1#post109180


any news when the gun pack will be out, or marketplace changes to allow users to sell/give away their own content?

Please LPV, Please LPV, Please LPV! :stuck_out_tongue:

What would you like to see improved with LPV? :wink:

[= Noland;109104]
Hi Chance,

Sorry my bad, this functionality actually did make it into 4.4. I’ve included some pictures below explaining how to use it. Currently it only works on custom events, not functions, and it ignores the function category, always showing up in a ‘Blutilities’ category. Both of these are likely to change in the future, but it’s still quite useful.


This is gonna be real useful!

Yay, multi-line text input!

Wiil it be some Blender animations import improvments ?
(Using 2.71 the range animation start end is not taking the specified range even importing single FBX animations files)

Thanks for the upcoming animation thumnails, very helpfull.

It’s cool that you guys added a new friction mode, but is the no-friction bug for sphere’s solved as well? My sphere’s keep on rolling forever and ever and won’t stop at low speeds. At high speeds, friction gets applied normally, but once the spehere has almost stopped, it’s like there’s no more friction. Seeanswers.unrealengine/search.html?q=sphere+collision&type=question&lang=en&sort=relevance

Great news! I really hope for the next version to disable that annoying ‘launcher’ window when you just open the editor. Sometimes when i want to click on one of my projects that stupid windows popsup in front of the editor window and launches another project… i don’t need that launcher window if i already have the editor open.

Just curious - is ingame physics cooking planned for this release?

Sorry, that didn’t make 4.4, but we do plan it for 4.5.

Sorry, that didn’t make 4.4, but we do plan it for 4.5.


So Dynamic Meshes can finally have collision?!

Please do make sure to tell us exactly how to do it when you release it !

I’ve been looking forward to this since 4.0 !



  • Added ‘Android Back’ for specific back button support in Android.


Just tried this out and while the back button is now mapped unfortunately it still misses the point of being able to hook it up to Quit game. Quit game still does not work for me on Android devices :frowning: Any idea of when this might come? Is there just a setting required in the manifest.xml perhaps? Unfortunately never seen ANY Android app except for TappyChicken to not be able to quit the game with the back button :frowning:

please …Migrate Blueprint with C++ code attached feature

I see nothing about advances towards a native linux editor. Please do not lose sight of this.

I see nothing about advances towards a native linux editor. Please do not lose sight of this.

We missed 4.4 window to have the latest changes (from @amigo and #ue4linux folks) merged, but the editor will be runnable in master by the time 4.4 hits. Granted, “runnable” is not the same as actually usable, but we’ll get there too.