Unreal Engine 4.26 released!

@max99x @hard_code Thanks for the reports, a fix has been submitted and should go out in the next 4.26 hotfix: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-108973)

Thanks, Victor!

Is there any roadmap for future version of the engine (UE4)? There its lots of experimental features that are unfinished (or abandoned?) and itā€™s very annoying and frustrating to learn something like that, use it and wait and wait and wait if its safe to use it at allā€¦ (from 4.24 I would rather not even move with the project to a new versionā€¦ (and i dont have hardware for next generation engineā€¦))

For me, i would like to ask if the following things will be ever completed and when:
Animation Modifiers
Layered Materials
Scripting the Editor using Python

Will Chaos be completed and polished for releasing project in UE4 or is it just testing for UE5? (i am using PhysX and DCC plugin from NVidia - manual cut in 3DsMax with procutter)


Switch camera view when actor enters the trigger volume using level sequencer as the camera.
Works fine in 4.25.4 and below.

Issue with 4.26.1

Follow this to recreate the bug:

  • Create a new default Map
  • Drag 2 Triggers Volume
  • Create an Actor BP (see picture).


When there is only one Actor BP, the camera Sequence player switch using the level sequencer (node set playback position)

now add another Actor BP (with a different level sequence), the Camera Sequence Player wonā€™t switch to one another when going from one trigger volume to another.

now delete one of them (Actor BP) and it works

Other test with more than one Actor BP:

If you replace the node ā€œSet playback positionā€ by the node ā€œPlayā€ it works fine, camera sequence player switch

I believe that the node ā€œset playback positionā€ is bugged.

PS: I tried all different settings with node ā€œset playback positionā€ (frame, time, jump, play and scrub) same issue if more than one level sequence is involved.

Thank you.

I upgraded to 4.26.1 and now DLSS crashes the engine every time.

Try deleting intermediate folder if you havenā€™t done soā€¦

Grooms donā€™t cast shadows on a wall unless they are on screen. Any way around this?
I want a shadow silhouette but canā€™t do it. :frowning:

Just took a look at what I was trying to convey in my last post and wasnā€™t impressed. Hereā€™s somewhat better version that doesnā€™t look as sloppy and highlights the difference a little bit more.

The point is, the BP node system could definitely use an UI overhaul even in the most basic sense, let alone adding features like additional connectors or options for custom font and nodes sizes. A major version upgrade like UE5 looks like the obvious choice to do just that.

Such a beautiful

Quick question,
When Iā€™m using split screen with ocean, the ocean post proces crashes the editor (and package) with an error.

Assertion failed: !bIsLoadActionInvalid [File:D:/Build/++UE4/Sync/Engine/Source/Runtime/RenderCore/Private/RenderGraphValidation.cpp] [Line: 421] Pass 'SeparateTranslucencyParallel' attempted to bind texture 'SeparateTranslucencyColor' as a render target with the 'Load' action specified, but the texture has not been produced yet. The render target must use either 'Clear' or 'NoAction' action instead.

Anyone knows a quick fix?

I read a lot of threads on performance drop in 4.26 , so i thought iā€™d give it a shot . Lost 30 FPS right off the bat . Maybe Epic should focus on performance in future updates as it can be critical.

Hi all, Iā€™m starting my first Game with Unreal Engine. It will be a bicyle game based on vehicleMovement.

Do you advice me to do it with PhysX or to start directly with Chaos ?

I donā€™t know when ChaosVehiculeMovement will be finally released so itā€™s hard to know with what to start.

For now, I started with PhysX and it looks to begins to work nice but Rider always show me warnings about PhysX beeing Depreciated.

PS: I do it in the mains part in C++.

Thanks all :slight_smile:

You know what, maybe they could make some sort of condense node-space option which could turn it on off. Would be nice.

Here is 2 more weird things with Grooms. Because, Grooms are AMAZING:

  1. Do not work with Path Tracing - Iā€™m thinking a known limitation
  2. When you take a HD Screenshot, the physics is disabled on the snapshot. So any draping you have going on is not captured by the screenshot.

The iPad received an error prompt ā€œcould not establish pose query processor streamā€ when it tried to get the Azure Spatial Anchor through ID

We already know the reason, because Microsoftā€™s official Azure Spatial Anchor SDK version has been upgraded to 2.7.0, and the Azure Spatial Anchor SDK version in UEā€™s plug-ins has not been upgraded.When can upgrade the SDK version of the plug-in?

Do you have any news about for UE5 ?
They said they would post it the beginning of the year to preview (beta).
The beginning of the year has passedā€¦

Hello, in version 4.26.1, this function canā€™t read the contents of the file. The path is correct and returns a null value. The device we use is quest2. How can we solve this problem?

I believe they said in early summer. this is still winter :confused:

The actual text of the announcement reads:

YES OMG YOU ARE SOOOOO RIGHT because saying ā€œearly 2021ā€ means tomorrow right? you must have missed the memoā€¦ There is no date specified. It was in a live stream they said early summer. just chill out and it will be released when they got it stable enough for a release -.-