Unreal Engine 4.24 Preview

I had the same feedback, and they replied to my worry with assurance that in 4.25 there will be a method of doing it. Until then its a warning that can be supressed.


Awesome… let’s hope they stick to it!

Does anyone know what the atmospheric sky’s gonna be? It sounds exciting. Keep up the good work Epic!

I just posted some stuff about it on my twitter while working on the docs. :slight_smile:


So there are two things:

  • there is the new SkyAtmosphere component that is replacing the Atmospheric Fog actor. You can drag it into your level.

    • It requires a Directional Light with “Atmosphere/fog sun light” to be enabled on the light.

    • Add a sky light to the scene.

    • Add a Sky Atmosphere component from the Modes panel.

  • The other is the Sun and Sky Actor that’s part of the Sun Positioner Plugin. When you add this to the world, you get a blueprint actor that has all the components together. It’s using physically accurate light settings so it requires some additional project settings to be enabled which I’ve posted earlier in this forum. Search for Extend Luminance Range or something to that effect for Auto Exposure and it’ll look correct. The Sun and Sky actor also works well with Ray Tracing and automatically updates some properties as the light is rotated rather than doing it manually.

Hope this helps.

That looks way prettier than I thought it would! I’m really excited to get to try it. Definitely gonna step up my skybox game!

These actors provide really realistic lighting and colors of clear sky, it is definitely a great improvement compared to previous solutions I think, the only thing I am missing from it are clouds. Are there any plans for clouds? (Or maybe we can add a second dome to the world only for clouds?)

In the roadmap Trello, it says “Volumetric cloud rendering is planned for UE4 4.25”. I really hope so.

Mr4Goosey and me on UnrealSlackers made them work. You can ask on Graphics if needed. Cant tell about packaged game, as making that on preview makes no sense.

Hey all, I just made a tutorial on how to use the new modeling features for 4.24 if someone is still a little bit lost

I touch on how we can:
Create primitives
Modify primitives
Boolean operations

At the moment we don’t have any out of the box clouds. On the other hand sky atmosphere lighting is exposed as a material node and it is possible to create your own clouds inside a material shader graph.

Shader compilation is stuttering like hell in 4.24p1

I would like to call out one major issue with Unreal 4.23.1 in the hopes that will be fixed with the new release of 4.24
→ Glass Refraction does not work when using Translucency Type: Ray Tracing

The Documentation about this issue can be found in this forum post:

the documentation also provides:

  • Video Explanations
  • UE4 Project Files

Thank you very much for any further investigation & clarification - appreciate it!
Keep rocking,

Using refraction with Ray Tracing for translucent materials should be controlled using the Specular value. An example is already on our documentation page here: Hardware Ray Tracing Tips and Tricks in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.3 Documentation

thank you. that means, the IOR (Index of Refraction) is not controlled with a Fresnel Falloff linked to the Refraction slot?
instead I have to connect that node with the Specular input?

Did Epic provide anywhere a simple Glass Material within an Unreal Demo Project for Download?
So I could run more tests and see exactly how the Glass Material was setup?

That would help a lot. Thank you so much!

Just a question. Will Open GL 2.0 be eliminated in this UE4 version??

How do I fix this compiler error that’s new to 4.24?

1>  [2/16] Module.ECGame.gen.9_of_9.cpp
1>cl : Command line error D8049: cannot execute 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.16.27023\bin\HostX64\x64\c1xx.dll': command line is too long to fit in debug record

Note, if I add this to my games’ target.cs files:

DefaultBuildSettings = BuildSettingsVersion.V2;
bLegacyPublicIncludePaths = true;

Every bloody include in my project breaks becase they don’t have the full path. Do I really have to go through the whole project and manually add those now?

For some reason this is only an issue in this project, all others compile fine, and they don’t use full include paths :confused:

4.24 Preview: Love it so far, especially the Sun & Sky System - Great job. Bravo Epic, love you guys!

I can’t find a way to add clouds when using the Sun & Sky System → How to do that?

[SPOILER]Error C2664 ‘uint32 FindFaceIndex(const FHitLocation &,const FVector &)’: cannot convert argument 1 from ‘ChaosInterface::FSweepHit’ to ‘const FHitLocation &’ UE4 C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4x\Engine\Source\Runtime\PhysicsSQ\Public\SQVerifier.h 284

Error C2789 ‘FaceIdx’: an object of const-qualified type must be initialized UE4 C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4x\Engine\Source\Runtime\PhysicsSQ\Public\SQVerifier.h 284 [/SPOILER]

i’m gettting this when i try to compile 4.24 from source with Chaos enabled. (sorry for the messy look of the error, since it was copied from Visual Studio)

Thx for the great Update. Zak made an amazing Demo with Arkit a while back https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AIHoDo7Y4_g
Does the sample project work smooth with the new ARKit 3.0 Upgrade? Are there any plans to update the sample project?


I’ve made a Bug Submission about Float RGBA Framebuffer messing up colors in the UI and Editor.
Case # 00137966
Unfortunately, I was told that the builds of the master branch are not properly tested (i was using a master pull before 4.24p1 came out)
However, it was completely ignored that it also occurs in 4.23 and no Ticket was opened. Maybe you should hire some better QA?