Unreal Engine 4.24 Preview

[USER=“4894”] Hobson[/USER] Hallo , thanks for the clarification. If runtime editing of landscapes is not supported (a pity) how about runtime instancing of procedural meshes (please see post #266 https://forums.unrealengine.com/unreal-engine/announcements-and-releases/1683413-unreal-engine-4-24-preview?p=1689623#post1689623)?

Is it possible now (that would be huge for developing runtime streaming of synthetic environment in 3DTiles or OpenFlight formats) or not, any ideas?


thnks, good software! greate executions! :wink:

Hello Animation [Add Mastinee Legacy] into destroy
Why did the animation lift?

Is there something else I need to do to enable the mesh editing mode for 4.24 source build?

I enabled plugin mesh editing. Mastinee Legacy did not appear.

At the UE4.23 release thread you can find the following info:


  • With the release of Unreal Engine 4.23, Matinee is no longer supported and will be removed from the engine in an upcoming release. Once removed, you will no longer be able to access or open Matinee files.

    Please use the Matinee to Sequencer Conversion Tool to convert any Matinee sequences to Sequencer Sequences as soon as possible.


Which means UE4.24 will no longer have Matinee, but you can use the tool shown above to convert old Matinee sequences into Sequencer.

So I loaded the Landscape Mountains by Epic Games into 4.24 and did my standard setup:

  • Forward rendering, MSAA, stereo instanced, start in VR
  • Disabled Oculus and SteamVR plugins, enabled WMR plugin.
  • No SSR, no AO, no lens dirt, no auto exposure.

And now in the left eye, the masked foliage flickers and doesn’t look good at all.

And in the right eye, the foliage AND shadows flicker like crazy.

So, severe VR regressions compared to 4.22 (I skipped 4.23 due to other VR/Datasmith issues). Looks like we’re staying on 4.22 for now.

I use UE4.23 version thanks


We have just released Preview 4 for 4.24! Thank you for your continued help in testing the 4.24 build before its official release. As a reminder, the Preview builds are for testing only, and should not be used for the active development of your project.

For a list of known issues affecting this latest preview, please follow the links provided on the original post in this thread.

Fixed in Preview 4

Fixed! UE-84331 Crash in control rig deleting bone that has been manipulated in viewport with Bone Relative Transform
Fixed! UE-84537 [CrashReport] UE4Editor-AudioMixerCore!Audio::IAudioMixerPlatformInterface::RunInternal() [AudioMixer.cpp:611]
Fixed! UE-84471 Cooked Soundwave does not play on Mac
Fixed! UE-84846 LogAudio errors when launching QAGame maps on Mac resulting in certain sounds failing to play
Fixed! UE-84970 Crash due to race condition between UObject being GC’d and AudioMixerSourceBuffer destructor
Fixed! UE-84444 Failure to launch after importing .udatasmith file. Unable to load Datasmith plugins.
Fixed! UE-84440 Can’t execute packaged game when Datasmith importer are enabled.
Fixed! UE-84194 Crash upon deleting dataprep asset that has a recompiled blue print operation
Fixed! UE-84638 Crash occurs when reloading a Dataprep asset in QAEnterprise project
Fixed! UE-84566 Handled ensure occurs when during Dataprep commit on an udatasmith file referring to PackageName.cpp
Fixed! UE-84741 Datasmith Imported Level Sequence not referencing assets correctly in scene
Fixed! UE-84734 Ensure reimporting with new file - Ensure condition failed: CachedAttachParent != nullptr [File D:/Build/++UE4/Sync/Engine/Source/Runtime/Engine/Private/Components/SceneComponent.cpp
Fixed! UE-84667 UE4 for mac crashes after importing GLB via Datasmith
Fixed! UE-84954 Kernel-IO: Revert Kernel_io 2019 sp2 to 2019 sp1
Fixed! UE-82469 Extra mesh imported from CAD file with Datasmith - possibly degenerated triangles
Fixed! UE-84629 Crash importing a CATIA file - UE4Editor-Core.dll!__report_gsfailure(unsigned __int64 stack_cookie) Line 220
Fixed! UE-84618 Materials from JT file are not assigned to static Mesh when imported with Datasmith
Fixed! UE-84616 DWG format is not imported in Datasmith
Fixed! UE-79599 Datasmith Import flipped for Autocad 2020 files
Fixed! UE-84755 CAD Translator - External references in sub folder are not supported
Fixed! UE-84624 Skip Conversion Fails for Code Project Created in Previous Engine Version
Fixed! UE-84931 Core_Sony is missing and preventing Github build from creating/opening code project
Fixed! UE-82522 Linux Debug Crash submitted from source build is not flagged as Dirty
Fixed! UE-82525 Linux Engine Mode displays incorrectly in an uploaded CrashReport from the Editor
Fixed! UE-84949 EngineModeEx is set to Unset on Mac Binary Crashes
Fixed! UE-84896 Paper2D performance regression fixes / performance optimizations
Fixed! UE-84840 Grouped sprites with material or texture changes don’t render correctly
Fixed! UE-82234 GitHub 6300 : Paper2d optimization
Fixed! UE-83370 Received invalid swap message after joining a ShooterGame server with SteamSockets
Fixed! UE-84680 ShooterGame has an image of Fornite in the UI of joining Play Together session
Fixed! UE-84658 Crash when getting a Steam encrypted app ticket
Fixed! UE-83405 [CrashReport] UE4Editor-GeometryCollectionCore!FGeometryCollectionClusteringUtility::GetLeafBones(FGeometryCollection *,int,TArray<int,TSizedDefaultAllocator<32> > &) [GeometryCollectionClusteringUtility.cpp:751]
Fixed! UE-84804 Crash on PIE in ChaosDestructionDemo Entry
Fixed! UE-84776 Crash on PIE in ChaosDestructionDemo GeometryCollectionExample map - FPhysScene_Chaos::AddObject
Fixed! UE-84735 Crash moving camera in PIE with a fractured geometry collection in the world
Fixed! UE-84649 Crash when playing in editor with a fractured geometry collection in the level
Fixed! UE-84771 Player Goes Through the Floor in ChaosDestructionDemo
Fixed! UE-81867 Crash opening ChaosDestructionDemo: Array index out of bounds
Fixed! UE-84918 Geometry Collection collisions fail to register against the world
Fixed! UE-84768 ChaosDestructionDemo crashes on PIE - NumParticles != INDEX_NONE
Fixed! UE-33824 “Enable PIX Profiling” and “Build using D3D12.xRHI” platform options do not work in Blueprint projects.
Fixed! UE-64701 DrawMaterial not drawing several instances of the same material properly
Fixed! UE-84435 Editor encounters OOM crash when interacting with Cooked Texture
Fixed! UE-44752 PIX still works after PIX Profiling is disabled on BP Projects
Fixed! UE-76878 Possible hang in MfMediaPlayer Close
Fixed! UE-84525 Crash when renaming asset to localization name
Fixed! UE-84558 Tiff texture file fails to import on linux
Fixed! UE-84963 QAGame editor freezes when PIE on Linux
Fixed! UE-83464 SunTemple level rendering with black artifacts on all objects on some iOS devices
Fixed! UE-83414 Attempting to package TVOSClient through Project Launcher results in “TVOSClient is not a valid platform name”
Fixed! UE-81199 iOS fails to package with: libwebsockets.a(pollfd.o)’ was built without full bitcode
Fixed! UE-80829 ActionRPG - GPU crash occurs on some mid-low spec iPadOS 13 while loading after tapping Start Game
Fixed! UE-80606 Crash on Mesh painting in Mobile Preview
Fixed! UE-80084 Packaging for iOS with explicitly named bundle identifier fails to find mobile provision
Fixed! UE-83489 Crash occurs when launching applications on iPhone6+
Fixed! UE-68102 Dragging in the color picker opened from parameter defaults is extremely laggy

UE-84330 Standalone Game Crash - Fatal error: [File:D:/Build/++UE4/Sync/Engine/Source/Runtime/Engine/Private/Materials/MaterialShared.cpp] [Line: 2090] Fatal Error Material not found

Fixed! UE-84687 Crash when a texture fails to compress during cooking
Fixed! UE-84681 [SSGI] Crash while enabling diffuse indirect denoising
Fixed! UE-54544 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!FStaticMeshSceneProxy::RemoveSpeedTreeWind() [staticmeshrender.cpp:262]
Fixed! UE-84581 Infiltrator Demo Several Meshes Rubber Banding Mac Intel
Fixed! UE-80469 Changing the color of a comment box in the material editor causes a 10+ second long hitch
Fixed! UE-84582 Warning occurs running EngineTest Locally manually releasing NC pool during cleanup for ComponentPoolTest
Fixed! UE-82853 Volumetric Lightmap Resource Transition Mismatches
Fixed! UE-83479 [ActionRPG] Water materials renders muddy or untextured on iOS devices
Fixed! UE-82534 Editor crashes when launching on any project for iOS without XGE
Fixed! UE-84938 “recompileshaders all” triggers check()
Fixed! UE-84752 Enabling Fixed Frame Rate doesn’t Lock the Frame Rate
Fixed! UE-84705 Ensure entering the Blendable: SceneDepth Post Process volume when running with Vulkan
Fixed! UE-84651 Multiple warnings and an error opening QAGame - Error: [Compiler ViewfinderTool] CineCameraComponent.FilmbackSettings is not blueprint writable.
Fixed! UE-80169 Audio should repeat when the section is dragged out
Fixed! UE-84627 “Save Layout As…” does not localize the text of the Layout Description field
Fixed! UE-84899 Missing options in asset context menu in content browser after loading the default layout
Fixed! UE-81655 [CrashReport] UE4Editor-Slate!SMenuAnchor::SetIsOpen(bool,bool,int) [SMenuAnchor.cpp:382]
Fixed! UE-84765 Project crashes when selecting a Disaster Recovery Session Directory
Fixed! UE-84764 Crash selecting Unhide Level and Paste when copying and pasting actors to a hidden level
Fixed! UE-80254 Both HLOD and StaticMesh Visible in Play Modes
Fixed! UE-84944 Runtime static mesh not correctly assigning materials on lower LODs when run in the editor
Fixed! UE-84455 Crash enabling cast shadows on lidar point cloud component.
Fixed! UE-84642 LiDAR Point Cloud - Crash importing twice the same asset (Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Containers/Array.h] [Line: 614] Array index out of bounds: 0 from an array of size 0)
Fixed! UE-84619 Editor crashes when trying to import a high vertex count mesh with Combine Mesh Option enabled
Fixed! UE-84615 Crash reimporting Skeletal Mesh after removing a disabled section via reduction - Assertion failed: (Index >= 0) & (Index < ArrayNum)
Fixed! UE-84876 LiDAR Point Cloud - Crash editing a merged point cloud asset
Fixed! UE-84866 LiDAR Point Cloud - Crash deleting a persisted Lidar point cloud asset (Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION writing address 0x00000024 ntdll)
Fixed! UE-84863 LiDAR Point Cloud - Crash editing pc after reimport
Fixed! UE-84847 Crash when confirming a directory to import a USD file to via the USD Stage window
Fixed! UE-84509 LiDAR Point Cloud - txt files invalidated by extra empty line
Fixed! UE-84792 LiDAR Point Cloud - Exporting to .txt creates an incompatible asset
Fixed! UE-84909 LiDAR Point Cloud - Save As, Copy and Duplicate produce empty asset
Fixed! UE-84908 LiDAR Point Cloud - Incorrect Color and Intensity values when exporting as LAS
Fixed! UE-84983 LiDAR Point Cloud - Bounds are not recalculated after points are removed
Fixed! UE-27296 Real-Time Collision for Spline Mesh Not Working in Packaged Game
Fixed! UE-84535 Crash in AWaterBody::CreateTransitionMIDIfNeeded
Fixed! UE-84464 CustomBrush_Landmass_River_C references materials that have been moved to Water Plugin directory
Fixed! UE-84910 Crash after deleting/generating Landscape LODs - Fatal error: [File D:/Build/++UE4/Sync/Engine/Source/Runtime/RenderCore/Private/RenderingThread.cpp] [Line: 853]
Fixed! UE-84761 Crash Assertion Failed in Landscape Mountain Project After Setting Fixed LOD to 7
Fixed! UE-84762 Crash when Generating LODs for Maps with a Landscape
Fixed! UE-84758 Adjusting collision mip levels does not adjust landscape collision
Fixed! UE-84937 Landscape seams are broken on GLES2 profile
Fixed! UE-84898 Foliage is included with static meshes when generating Landscape LODs
Fixed! UE-83268 Material colors do not update in realtime in material preview when making changes.
Fixed! UE-82527 Assertion occurs Deleting Material Layers - Assertion failed: Layers.IsValidIndex(Index) && Blends.IsValidIndex(Index-1) && LayerStates.IsValidIndex(Index) - MaterialLayersFunctions.h
Fixed! UE-84936 Crash when modifying Channel Names property for TextureObjectParameter
Fixed! UE-84925 Crash when attempting to build a runtime static mesh marked from streaming, with multiple LODs
Fixed! UE-83425 Multi-User one off Ensure when host auto connects the Host to a new default Session on the project’s default Server
Fixed! UE-84675 Concert presence actor doesn’t work in -game
Fixed! UE-84448 Move DisplayClusterRootComponent logic into DisplayClusterRootActor
Fixed! UE-84784 VirtualCamera starts to spam the log when using custom tracker
Fixed! UE-77349 LOD0 mesh are not hidden when HLOD outliner window is off
Fixed! UE-83239 Camera Actors move towards world origin during placement in VRMode with Virtual Production Utilities enabled
Fixed! UE-83152 Virtual Camera’s URemote screen freezes soon after the app is launched on the device
Fixed! UE-84620 InCamera VFX blueprints need to be updated after pawn/gamemode refactoring
Fixed! UE-78597 VR Mode Gizmo no longer Appearing
Fixed! UE-84809 Accessed None trying to read property warnings when entering VR Mode with the Virtual Production Utilities plugin enabled
Fixed! UE-83223 SteamVR Vive/VivePro Motion Controllers no longer register inputs
Fixed! UE-84914 SteamVR broken with forward renderer and MSAA
Fixed! UE-84894 unused “CommonAudioePoolSize” causing crash when parsing ini file
Fixed! UE-84817 SteamVR - Reprojection Regression
Fixed! UE-84818 Unresponsive Controller Input in Lumin Packages
Fixed! UE-84812 Integrate Vulkan MSAA target fix for Oculus
Fixed! UE-84736 Thumbstick press doesn’t bind properly on SteamVR Input

** **Still no Chaos editor in P4. What am I missing? Do I need to compile the source?

I am the only one who can’t get any custom physical material on landscape component? it breaks any footsteps system or different kind of impact

I can finally compile projects again in the latest version of Visual Studio 2019 with the latest toolchain in Preview 4. Thanks team! :cool:

You got the P4 source to compile. Did you include ChaosDestructionDemo?

I am not compiling the engine source, only my projects.

Could anyone check if VLM bakes lighting from Stationary PointLight? It doesn’t work for me, only Static PointLight gets baked into VLM. In 4.22.3, I can bake from both Static and Stationary PointLights, so possibly regression. Comparison of screenshots : VLM baked vs nonbaked - Imgsli


Seem VLM is baking light from indirect lighting bounces, just doesn’t catch direct lighting from Stationary PointLight

Answered in your thread: https://forums.unrealengine.com/development-discussion/rendering/1691544-volumetric-lightmap-doesn-t-bake-light-from-stationary-pointlight

Chaos Mode was showing in Modes in 4.24 Preview 1 and 2. Why withdraw it now? Can someone from Epic please chime in ?

4.24p4, Landscape continuous LOD has issues: http://prntscr.com/q2jr6a

When using the new hair system to make dynamics, the root will always calculate the dynamics and will not fit the model head. Does anyone encounter this problem?

So all the fixes didn’t help.