Unreal Engine 4.23 Released!

Also, can’t find Blutilities anymore (gone from Edit > Editor Preferences).

I believe they are not experimental anymore, so they are always enabled by default.

About blutitlities, is there a way to make GlobalEditorUtilityBase derived BP work like before? I have one bp like that, with various “run-in-editor” functions. In 4.22 it will open as a window with different buttons for call-in-editor functions. But in 4.23 it’s not working anymore. When I open it it will just complain about “Run” function and that’s it. Any way to make it work again?

The class was renamed to UDEPRECATED_GlobalEditorUtilityBase. The shelf is also gone.

Are there any plans to expose the custom primitive data to be edited inside the details panel inside the editor?
So you can simply use this data for level design purposes (different colors and so on).
AFAIK as for now you can only set the custom data with code/blueprints at runtime.

I just noticed the material node ‘EyeAdaptation’ does absolutely nothing, it just outputs 1.0 - both as a postprocess material (in whatever Blendable Location) and as a regular material applied to an actor. is this known?

Edit - oh it’s also broken in 4.22. since when is this broken?

@CodeSpartan I’ve created a thread regarding this:

@scha Hopefully it’s a bug that editor utilities don’t tick anymore, check the first post on page 7 by [USER=“360443”]Ore Creative[/USER] and my previous posts here. Let’s hope that they’ll hotfix it soon.

It’s because Unreal Studio is not updated. I got a lot of those too. If you look in the “Installed Plugins” under the engine button in the launcher, you will see “Unreal Studio” or “Datasmith” or whatever it’s called plugin that’s not updated. I don’t use it anyway. so I just removed it. Also, check in you .uproject file, maybe it’s listed there too.

I finished fixing that and now I’m wondering, was that change intentional or it’s a bug and it will be reverted? It’s used in a marketplace asset, which is broken now, and I don’t want to reupload the asset twice.

Maybe somebody from Epic can answer:

  1. GetAssetByObjectPath not being “pure” anymore, is that a bug which will be fixed or it will stay unpure forever?
  2. GlobalEditorUtilityBase is deprecated and won’t work anymore. Is there a replacement class that will show “call-in-editor” functions as buttons in a window (like in 4.22), or I should re-write it using blutility widgets?

It’s expected, it was modified by this commit: https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/commit/3d1532926b575998cc98ac1b3bc47a72f55d534d

“Made the potentially expensive Get and Filter functions on the asset registry impure”

Unreal Engine Crash: Unreal Engine is exiting due to D3D device being lost

This is happening all the time. Never happened before in my life. Creating bugs or fixing them? That’s the question… :eek:

Did you change anything in your system hardware?(ie motherboard, overclocked your GPU or CPU or system RAM, etc)

AFAIK, it is a bug when everyone experience the same behavior.

i installed UE 4.23 release. and i can’t enable Chaos Fracture Editor. I Enabled all plugins (Chaos Editor, Chaos Solver, Chaos Niagara, Planar Cut, Editable Mesh, Geometry, Geometry Cache, Field System), but i not see Fracture Editor icon. And i have quetion, should the work plugin in the release ???

(on windows 7)

Downloaded ue4.23 from GITHUB (zip),


edited UE4Editor.Target.cs ,

clicked setup,

Clicked generate project files,

Opened the sln,

​Edited UE4Editor.Target.cs ​​​​​again (to the same thing),

Built the solution,
Right click on UE4, debug thing (start),

created a new third person project,

Enabled all the required plugins,

Restarted the editor,

Added a cube static mesh into the scene,

Opened the fracture editor,

Clicked on the cube,

Clicked on create geometry collecrion,

Chose location and name,

Engine crashes with a Fatal Error: (image)

Can somebody please help me?!?!?

Ive already searched all over the internet, and could not find a thing…

So, the call-in-editor buttons were part of Blutilities overall, but now that Editor Utility Widgets are available and provide a much more robust UI system, we have removed the temporary buttons from Editor Utility Blueprints. You should make your tool using Editor Utility Widgets for the UI, although you can still use calls into an Editor Utility Blueprint if you would like.

Would love an example.

Thanks @scha. In the end I just uninstalled 4.22 and reinstalled it again. Projects now open, but half the static meshes have lost the links to their materials :frowning: All very frustrating!

No I didn’t change anything. Just did the upgrade from 4.22 to 4.23 and this brand new bug starts shining.

And yes, it’s a bug. There’s no other term for it. I even went back and worked with another project with 4.22 and after 2 hours no crash. With 4.23 the engine crashes 3-4 times in one hour with that same reason. Definitely not a bug, a safety feature.

If you search in this forum or AnswerHub for “D3D device being lost” you will see several reports spread among several engine releases and even several games already shipped (Fortnite included) even in Unreal Engine 3. From time to time, users report this, being this happening during new engine releases or sometimes just when hotfixes land. It is very difficult to replicate, but its meaning is that for some reason the device stops working, resets itself, which makes the driver to report it for some time as being lost, but since operations inside the engine were referencing handlers which are not matching the card’s state (since it reset itself) it won’t recover from the error and will stop working. So, the only way possible to fix this is to understand why the card went into this issue for the first place, which might be a software issue or a hardware issue, since you said you didn’t change anything in your system (no overclock whatsoever or drivers) we can assume that the current load from the engine might making this issue to happen often.

Checking the reports, some which I gave some advice, lead people to try things, some handled it working after completely uninstalling drivers and reinstalling them (suggested to use DDU software to remove drivers), others removing any system overclock or even underclocking GPU or System speeds (voltages can also cause the same) fixed it, but many just could not discover the issue at all, which gives no choice unless try some other suggestions which is replacing computer parts until find the culprit. My honest advice is to check those posts, because there are just a lot of people working fine with the engine, and for this release yours is the first post about this.

Does anyone know what happened to this issue? Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-74991)

It completely disappeared from the issue tracker. It has been set to “Fix: 4.23.1” for a while now, I did F5 on the issue tracker every day, and today the issue just completely disappeared from there and the issue tracker now says:

Performance in this build is awesome.
But the editor is very very very unstable for me :’(