Are you planning the 4.22.1 soon? Lots of fixes piled up already
bug still since idk when. Root bone set to kinetic and constrain to plane enabled. 2.5d when simulating physics. constrain to plane is non functional so 2.5d cannot be used with ragdoll functions, or physical animations with any kinetic constraint enabled.
Probably , the best release for last 2 years,
There are some significant performance improovements I can really see.
for people who has unknown UE4 crashes related to GPU, i had that nightmare last year & solved it by removing RAM sticks → cleaned with alcohol & installed back…
After that procedure, everything has gone back to normal as it should. RAM sticks are sometimes oxidizing & getting dirty at contact points inside slots & this is causing some kind of electricity loss. RAM stick is very sensitive peace of hardware and whole computer system stands on it, so little failure can produce insane errors pointing to anywhere.
My issue was, that UE4 was freezing, throwing GPU or RHI errors, freezing with material or particle editor open, even adding new terrain material layer . So, i have found that in most cases UE4 crashes when you have some faulty RAM installed in your PC & then Epic Games programmers are getting crazy to find bug which doesn’t exist & developers are sending non existing bug reports. LOL
Any update on 4.22.1 - eager for masked material support for Ray Tracing!
In terms of performance yes but in terms of stability and bugs no probably the worse, most people would rather the stability mate, can’t just pin the engine crashing from peoples hardware when previous versions have work fine lol.
I haven’t been able to test 4.22 on other machines, are its stability problems really that bad even without ray tracing enabled?
If you’re worried about stability, you can just wait until the first hotfix. Judging from the earlier releases, I’d say this Thursday or Friday is a pretty safe bet. If not, it’ll almost certainly be out in the week after.
Agreed. I seldom update my projects until at least the first hotfix.
Already supported, just not enabled by default. Try the following cvar:
r.RayTracing.Shadows.EnableTwoSidedGeometry 1
Yes I never enabled it as I use a 1080Ti and don’t really care for it but I ran into a load of issues, the widget switcher issue took me a few days to track down as it was crashing a number of things not even related to it, the saving bug was even worse its like can’t handle saving a large amount of landscape work, I also couldn’t change my landscape mat it would just crash the engine, so I went back to 4.21 and none of these issues I get.
I have been forced to enable EventDriven loading as well in 4.22. My previous conf had woked in every other version until now.
The documentation on EventDriven loading is completely lacking… It’s not very comfortable to be forced to use a feature that I don’t understand / have no way to learn about.
quick question for 4.22. Can i still use visual studio 2017 or do i need install studio 2019 if want package game?
You can still use vs 2017.
Anyone else noticing extremely long loading times when playing in editor since 4.22? It does show a loading screen for some Blueprint, maybe because it has to many references?
It could be Niagara with deprecated modules too.
I just send PR for this landscape grass light/shadowmap bug. Could you test this.
I’m getting a consistent crash when TemporalAA Upsampling is enabled at screen percentages under 50%. The crash log shows the error is at line 799 of PostProcessTemporalAA.cpp.
I’ll submit a bug report when I can get in front of my PC again.
having problems with with shadows on new landscapes also, but i have an old 4.21 landscape that seems to work for now… 1050ti soooo, i will never have raytracing sooooo… well there you go
Does anyone know if lightmap baking with dxr will be coming in future releases?