Having trouble with camera velocity getting real slow (it freezes) when zooming (mouse scroll), normally near scene objects… when it gets slow/freeze, the only way to get it “normal” again is pressing F to select some object. Any ideas why?
Otherwise, Great release!
EDIT: note to myself… read the docs
“When you have one or more objects selected in the Level Viewport, the sensitivity of camera zoom and pan operations now scales automatically with the distance between the objects and the camera. This makes your camera movements feel more natural, especially when you’re working with objects at extreme sizes, such as tiny mechanical parts or large landscapes.
You can return to the previous behavior by disabling the new Use distance-scaled camera speed setting in the Level Editor > Viewports section of the Editor Preferences window.”
Something happened to root motion calculation and force handling in the character movement that completely breaks my character’s locomotion and knockback mechanics…
Edit: A bit different actually, child actor components were colliding with their parent (even though they had no collision). Had to call SetActorEnableCollision(false) on them to fix it.
I’m having a weird issue with landscape foliage (placed through the landscape grass tool, not the foliage tool). It’s coming up super bright - seemingly emissive, even though nothing is hooked up to emissive on the material. Looked like this in 4.21. Looks like this now. Notice how in the dark over there it’s still real bright.
It actually looks like some green light is coming from somewhere and affecting this foliage, but I can’t see how that could be. Here it is with sky lighting disabled - the grass should be black (because it’s dark), but it’s green, and the rocks (which are also landscape-grass) are also green (should be brown).
Can someone please explain the newly added “SQLite” and “SQLite Support” plugins? I can’t find any way to create an sqlite database from within the editor, nor anything else that is named or referencing to an sqlite database.
So does this mean these two plugins are just for support? Then what is the first “SQLite” plugin for?
cannot run DXR on my GTX1080.
I run command: “F:\EPIC Unreal Engine\Epic Games\UE_4.22\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor.exe” -dx12
I have Raytracing Enabled in Preferences ( & Skin Cache also)
and in Viewport->Show->Developer->Path Tracing / Ray Tracing Debug ENABLED
Even when I am changing options in PostPro for Raytracing there is nothing visible in Viewport. Still have for example ScreenSpace Reflections
looking at the screenshot you posted, I also noticed you have 68 lights in the scene vs 30 lights in 4.21… is it possible some items in your scene got duplicated in the editor? Even if it’s just the lights, that can cause more drawcalls. Just hoping that is the case because it would be an easy fix.
SQLiteSupport used to be a runtime module that was moved to its own plug-in. It proves access to an SQLite database via our abstract database API.
SQLiteCore is new, and provides a minimal wrapper around the SQLite C API, using a custom “OS” implementation that uses the UE4 HAL for cross-platform support. If you specifically want to use an SQLite database, this is the version I’d recommend as it allows certain optimizations that the “support” library hides.
SQLiteSupport is implemented using SQLiteCore.
Everything I just said was also in the release notes (plus some more info); search for “SQLite” on the first post in this thread
There is no editor UI or assets for either. They’re both for use directly in C++.
I’ve tried to use LiveCoding feature, but unfortunately it can’t compile project. It says error message:
“Live coding is not enabled for UE4Editor-MobileUtils.dll.
Configure the list of enabled modules from the Live Coding section of the editor preferences window.”
I’ve tried to add MobileUtils record to LiveCoding->PreloadNamedModules, but it has no effect. If I disable this plugin, error continues with the next plugin (I have few project’s plugins).
I experienced repeated editor crash when I’ve tried to Launch game.
Packaged Win64 game is broken and crashes on start with message “Assertion failed: !linker->GetSerializeContext()”, but I not sure is it worked previously. We use custom engine for our mobile builds, but for development we use Epic’s Engine, and I didn’t packaged game manually for a long time.
OnTouchMove on UMG widgets had been broken and stoped work correctly (at least in editor). I have to do few mouse moves with lmb down to make it work. If game window loses input focus, the error appears again.
Hi all. How is the project packaged and the ray tracing work? Try putting in the shortcut -dx12 but it does not work. Do you have to check any packaging option?
Our plugin doesn’t expose anything to Blueprints but you could always write something yourself to expose it. Our current use-case for it was for editor features in C++, rather than as something to use as part of gameplay scripting.
It seems that when only has VS2019 installed, GenerateProjectFiles will fail due to error C4800, which got fixed in 4.22 branch(not the release)。Copy GetMSBuildPath.bat from 4.22 branch will make GenerateProjectFiles works fine, but there is a more serious problem, package game function is broken due to bunch of errors:
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): Project file contains ToolsVersion=“12.0”. This toolset may be unknown or missing, in which case you may be able to resolve this by installing the appropriate version of MSBuild, or the build may have been forced to a particular ToolsVersion for policy reasons. Treating the project as if it had ToolsVersion=“4.0”. F
or more information, please see MSBuild Toolset (ToolsVersion) | Microsoft Docs.
My project packaged with some raytrace options when I execute it comes out without raytrace. I need to check any packaging or raytrace option? I also probe adding -dx12 in the direct access and the raytrace does not work in my packaged project either.
When I run it from the editor raytrace it works perfect. But when I think the packaging raytrace does not work.
Someone I think packaged with raytrace?
I’ve done some deeper research of my second issue. The reason of crash was ULandscapeSplinesComponent, which is placed in nested level. There is this code: