EDIT: I’ve since found a working fix for me, and posted the details here in the original answer. Hope that helps someone else!
This is a pretty bad blocking bug and hard crashes the engine/editor on a basic use case, so I’m curious:
Seeing as the fix is in the repo, when might we expect 4.22.3 to be released? Days? Weeks?
Well, yes, but there’s a way around this. Ray-tracing in gaming will mature with the release of new consoles next year, the next generation of AMD and NVidia cards.
It’s already safe to develop the game with ray-tracing in mind if you’re gonna release game around that time or later. We don’t need majority of consumers to able run it yet.
i dont care about consoles … i care about pcs… and many pc gamers are still running on gtx280… not 2080TI rtx… plus if your product is in vr… you need all the fps you can get.
And development of ray-tracing brougt us mesh drawing refactor with dynamic mesh instancing which increases framerate (depends on game, of course).
At least ray-tracing was one of the main reason for doing it now.
Funny thing is that many people could say “I don’t care about VR, foucs on flat games”, but such statements would lead us nowhere. It’s general purpose engine used to develop very different products.
Something weird going on with the 4.22.3 release. It keeps trying to install Datasmith. If I cancel the Datasmith install (I don’t use it) it stops the 4.22.3 update. Trying to click the “uninstall” button in “Installed Plugins” (how’d Datasmith get installed?) it tries to download Datasmith anyways…
I’m gonna give it a try in a bit, but yeah, not listed. Kinda sucks because my project is BP only, so I can’t really take advantage of any of the workarounds. Guess I just won’t be upgrading to 4.22 for this project.
EDIT: Gave my project a shot after updating, and it still crashes when SetAnimInstanceClass is called.
well i don’t seem to be having any problems… shadows are fine, BP’s all seem to work… in fact my FPS seems to have improved by at least 30%… so as josey wales might say, ‘i got no complaints’… good work guys…
Since the 4.22.2 hotfix (and still happening in 4.22.3) I sometimes get pdb access denied errors when building my C++ game modules from VS2019. This happens when UE4Editor is running.
2>Parsing headers for ShooterGameEditor
2> Running UnrealHeaderTool "E:\botg\botg.uproject" "E:\botg\Intermediate\Build\Win64\ShooterGameEditor\Development\ShooterGameEditor.uhtmanifest" -LogCmds="loginit warning, logexit warning, logdatabase error" -Unattended -WarningsAsErrors -installed
2>Reflection code generated for ShooterGameEditor in 5.4478091 seconds
2>Failed to delete file 'E:\botg\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor-ShooterGame.pdb'
2> Exception: Access to the path 'E:\botg\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor-ShooterGame.pdb' is denied.
2>Attempting to retry...
2>Failed to delete file 'E:\botg\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor-ShooterGame.pdb'
2> Exception: Access to the path 'E:\botg\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor-ShooterGame.pdb' is denied.
2>Attempting to retry...
2>Failed to delete file 'E:\botg\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor-ShooterGame.pdb'
2> Exception: Access to the path 'E:\botg\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor-ShooterGame.pdb' is denied.
and so on. The workaround is to close UE4Editor, build, and then start UE4Editor again. It works, but it’s slower than a build and hot reload. This problem doesn’t happen all the time and I’m not sure what conditions cause it to happen, at the moment it appears random.
I’ve troubles with latest UE 4.22 build from Epic games github repo. on win10 v1903. To the point of having BSOD while opening anim blueprint while ray tracing is on.
I have a game crashes when using old video cards from ATI (for example: AMD Mobility Radeon HD 5000, AMD Radeon HD 6310, ATI Radeon HD 5450 and so on). At that only 32-bit version of the game crashes, 64-bit version works perfectly! And it happens not only in our game, but also in any other project on UE4.22.