Unreal Engine 4.22 Released!

i dont think you can get iterations of the engines… you would have to dwnld 4.21.2 then go to your documents folder and in the project you want to change, right clik the .uproject and ‘switch unreal engine version’ to 4.21.2…

Unless something has changed very recently, the only way to do this is by compiling the engine from source (4.22.1 shows up as a “Release” of the 4.22 branch). If you’re totally new to this process, it’ll take bit of time, but there are pretty good instructions. Unreal Engine on GitHub is probably the best starting point.

Note that until you make a github account and link it to the Epic games one, all of the pages on the github website itself will show up as 404 errors.

Yeah, I’ve been afraid that this one would slip through the cracks as soon as I discovered it, because it’s not obvious that something is wrong if there are only a few materials using that node in a scene. It seems like it’s actually broken for every material that uses a “Texture Object” node at all. I’ve submitted another bug report.

After moving from 4.20 to 4.22 and fixing the many C++ errors due to changed API calls, I get a crash when loading my project that loaded fine on 4.20. I submitted a bug report with stack trace (for those who are already itchy to type “did you submit a bug report”) and managed to get the editor to start by loading no project on startup by changing the ini file.
First I get a “script error” after loading that tells me that two of my enums I defined in C++ are invalid, but they are defined exactly as others I use and which are not causing complains. I have no idea why these two cause problems thre is absolutely no difference to other enums.
Second, when I try to open any BP, be it one from my project or a blank “actor” BP I just created, the editor crashes with the following message in the VS debug log window:

[2019.05.26-15.00.28:234][289]LogBlueprint: Error: [Compiler WB_ClassicKeybindingCategoryItem] Internal Compiler Error: Tried to create a property CategoryName in scope SKEL_WB_ClassicKeybindingCategoryItem_C, but another object (StrProperty /Script/UMG.Widget:CategoryName) already exists there.
[2019.05.26-15.00.29:118][289]LogOutputDevice: Warning:

Script Stack (0 frames):

Assertion failed: Enum [File:D:\Build\++UE4\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\UObject\EnumProperty.cpp] [Line: 199]

UE4Editor.exe has triggered a breakpoint.

After spending about 6 hours getting my project to load I must realize that 4.22 will not work for me and that this is the end of the line for me, unless something gets fixed here.
EDIT: After spending some more hours I was able to get the project loaded by rewriting BPs that used those enums. A structure that used one could not even be fixed by rewriting, I had to use bytes instead of the enum.
Now I get tons of “ULogGlobalObjects can’t find object.None.none” warnings when loading. The BPs that I replaced (and fixed the redirectors) are still showing up in that warning list. When I copy the new BP to the old name to fix the missing refs all of a sudden the same enum error happens again, it seems to depend on the name of the BP somehow. And yes I deleted all caches and intermediate files. I have the Alright rig installed and all the saved rigs show up in the list as well during startup with the “none” message. It is a mess, plain and simple. I don’t know what changed from 4.20 to 4.22 but when projects break like this it’s no longer fun. Something is seriously wrong with this engine version.
I will throw everything away and start the conversion process again and invest another day, but if that doesn’t work, that’s it for me.

Edit 2: In case somebody has the same problem, I post my solution here. I had to throw all my work from yesterday away and start over. This time I knew which parts caused the problems and I altered them in UE 4.20 before updating, that made it all easier. The main problem was the use of two enums that I defined in a C++ library as UENUM(BlueprintType) and which I used in GameSav objects. Apparently that is no longer supported. I had to change the respective fields in the GameSave objects to type uint8 and then deal with conversion functions when reading and assigning. That solved a ton of errors at once since the error was basically dragged through all the BPs that used the GameSave object. One of those same objects used a structure which in turn used one of those enums and in turn the problem also extended to the BPs that used the structure. It was not pretty but once I figured that out, I was able to alter my project accordingly before I switched. Don’t do it after you switched because then you won’t even be able to open the BPs for editing without crashing the editor.


In case it can help someone. After 4.22.2 update I get from time to time blueprint errors (cannot access dispatcher or variables). And it fails to cook the project. Seems a blueprint is corrupted. The solution that worked for me so far is to delete all the nodes in the corrupted blueprint, save it and put the nodes back. No error afterwards.

Sooo 4.22.2 added the UnrealVS Vs2019 plugin but it only installs with VS2019 Professional installed. I have Enterprise though. According to the install log, only VS2019 Professional is supported. Can you guys fix that plz?

Thanks for the advice but unfortunately I need 4.22 for the raytracing features as i am creating an animation.

Thanks for the reply, I’ll give this a go when I have a bit of time.

UMG Widget visibility function broken in 4.22
It’s really annoying because it was working in 4.21
but not anymore in 4.22.
This happens only in packed game, not in PIE. Set Visibility Hidden/Visible works in PIE but not in cooked game.
What am I missing, is this a bug that returned back in 4.22 or functionality changed?

Well, I’m getting increasingly confused by this. I received an e-mail reply to my report saying that this couldn’t be reproduced and asking for a sample project. I sent one in, but haven’t heard back after a week.

The issue is very apparent when being deliberately reproduced, and I’ve tested it on several machines, so I’m not sure where to go next. All of the issues created regarding this issue have been closed as duplicates, but there’s nothing to indicate what they’re duplicates of. One even cites a “fix” commit, but the contents of that commit are completely unrelated.

Using the “Visualize Material Diffuse” lightmass setting also demonstrates the problem – the world aligned version is just black.

Is there a workaround for this problem that I’m unaware of (other than not using any “Texture Object” nodes at all)?

Fixed! UE-73066 iOS app icons appear blank on device for C++ projects packaged from Mac
Have this issue at 4.22.1!

In the latest rendering branch, Landscape and Foliage, as well as WPO, DXR and other issues have been effectively solved, and 4.22 version is being updated 4.22.3.

What I want to know is, will the Rendering Branch’s Landscape. Foliage, SSGI and WPO functions be merged into 4.22.3 updates? There are many DXR problems in 4.22.2 now, except that many content does not support DXR, stability and performance consumption, WPO support in material makes many content can not use DXR very well. If 4.22.3 is not ready to merge these content, request that this part of the content be merged into 4.22.3 updates.

Because if this content has to wait until 4.23, it means that we need to wait for EPIC to release 4.23 in 2-3 months, and then wait for other plug-ins and content providers to release the plug-ins in 1 month, which means that we have to wait another 5 months for DXR with better distance, which is very painful.

These changes will be in 4.23. Some of these make bigger changes that are out of the scope of a hotfix release like 4.22.3 and are developed for the next major release.

Hi, multiple person are facing issue with IOS marketing icon not set properly in plist file. As a consequence, the ipa build is rejected during the apploader submission.

I open a case: 00115453 for this with links of forum/answerhub of person facing this issue.

[USER=“4894”][/USER] if you can look into it for 4.22.3 fix, because we can’t release our game due to that bug and we can’t revert back to an older engine.

4.21 was already bugged for remote build, and now 4.22 is bugged at another level of the process. I hope you can help to solve that shortly and not wait for a major release.


iOS isn’t something I’m familiar with, at least not with this part of the process. I’ve reached out to the support tech that is assigned the case and he’s looking into it now. Once I have a JIRA I can reference that. However, I’m not sure what the ETA and cutoff for 4.22.3 hotfix submissions are at the moment, so my best guess is if it’s not a known or previously reported issue, it may not be in 4.22.3.

However, once the JIRA has a fix, this is propagated to our GitHub with the CL so you can always cherry-pick that CL to resolve the issue in your project as well. It just may be a little longer. Again, I can’t give exact specifics since I don’t really have any other info to go off of at the moment.


The issue was submitted yesterday and you can follow the status here: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-50162)

It’s in our Triage phase, so hopefully we’ll have some notes soon on this ticket as to a fix or status.

Thanks for the follow up.

They have reopened a old case to track it : Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-50162)
Please vote for it to get it fixed.

I really hope to have a fix in the next hot fix. We are on the way to release our game and this is a show stopper. We lost BETA testing period due to 4.21 that was buggy with remote builds, and now I can send my game to “test flight”, so I can’t reach Beta tester that are not near to us (for the others, I push the game manually on their phone).

so… when are we getting lightmap baking with dxr/rtx…gpu light map baking?

There are plans to work on it that we announced at GDC during our Ray Tracing talk for future initiatives but there’s no ETA that’s been announced. All I can say is to keep an eye on our future major releases.

With regards to 4.23, Ray Tracing and Path Tracing will receive a number of improvements but Ray Traced baking is not one of them.

Well thats disappointing. Raytracing is fun and all, but it adds no benefit to development times as it currently stands. Nor can a game run exclusively with the raytracing stuff at the moment just because not all consumers can use it. Really hope you guys get the bake lightmapping speed improvements soon…